Whether you’re still a student or getting ready to enter your career field—or both—there’s no denying that younger generations are at a financial disadvantage. More and more young people are entering adulthood with lots of debt and low incomes. While this is certainly a setback, it doesn’t have to ruin your entire financial situation. With…
Author: USM Free Press
Tips for Starting Mindfulness Practice
Be intentional! If you plan on developing a mindfulness practice do it with the intention that you will make it a daily commitment. Set aside about 5 minutes in the morning or evening to attend to your practice. As it becomes more comfortable you can add more time to your practice. Start with the breath…
Suicide Prevention – You Are Not Alone
By: Victoria St Louis September is National Suicide Prevention Month and USM Counseling Services would like to take a moment to connect. Depression and suicidal thoughts can make people feel alone, and those feelings can be amplified by the realities we all face this year. Meeting people where they are, or opening yourself up in…
A Look Into Nostalgia With August Thornton
In a world where we are currently unable to go to Target without wearing a face mask, it’s hard to believe that an entire short film was made during the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic. However, if anyone was determined to do it, it was August Thornton and his amazing cast and crew. Together they worked hard to…
Artist of the Week : Brooklyn Neagle
Brooklyn Neagle is a sophomore art student at the University of Southern Maine. She has been creating art since she was a child, and can’t recall a time in her life when she wasn’t doing something artistic. Neagle began to take art seriously in middle school by taking several different elective art classes. Neagle is…
Counseling Services during COVID-19
Welcome to fall semester 2020- it’s going to be unique! Every new academic year is a time of adjustments, transitions, challenges, and new experiences. This year however we face an unprecedented set of challenges. The year of 2020 ushered in a pandemic which swept the country, leaving very few lives unaffected. With restrictions on group…
USM announces plan for Phase Three of asymptomatic testing
By: Emma Walsh, Staff Writer In last week’s Healthy Huskies update, USM announced a plan for the Phase Three asymptomatic testing regime. It will consist of testing a sampling of students, faculty, and staff at random. While Phases One and Two of the testing were focused on identifying asymptomatic cases to prevent spread of the coronavirus,…
Coping with COVID-19
By: Lizzy Boudah, Staff Writer It is with no doubt that this school year will be like no other. Without much warning, schools all over the nation were forced to close and left students of all ages wondering if they would be returning to their campuses. COVID-19 has impacted several colleges over the United States–some opened…
Campus blues – spaces are now all-purpose rooms
By: Zoe Bernardi, Community Editor As students crawl out of their childhood homes for the first time in months, holding on to the fleeting moments of their strange and distanced summers, they enter into a realm of Zoom university. How have their personal spaces become all-purpose rooms? USM has opened up its campus. Costello Field House…
The pandemic of loneliness – is it a bad time to make new friends?
By: Zoe Bernardi, Community Editor The Pandemic of loneliness, COVID-19 has lingered longer than expected. It bleeds into the back to school season, and already dreaded time. Everyone must be there doing a part in trying to stay safe, looking out for those who are at risk, and ensuring they aren’t passing the virus to others….
Tips for Starting an Online Store for College Students
College is an interesting time of growth and adjustment, even in normal times. With the current global pandemic of COVID-19 affecting the way students attend classes and learn, it’s even more difficult than usual. The pandemic has made it more difficult for students tortunities that fit within a student schedule—many on-campus jobs are scaling back…
Residential students reflect on three day quarantine
2020 has been an unpredictable year, with COVID-19 rapidly spreading across the nation and presenting unique challenges for each individual. It is an unprecedented time for college students in particular, because the social environment of the college campus and classroom has profoundly changed. This academic year at USM began with a three day quarantine after…
The Basics of Properly Caring for Your PC
Now more than ever, your personal computer is a pivotal piece of equipment for learning. Schools have already begun to transfer homework assignments, textbooks, and even tests onto internet-based platforms, especially in recent times. To add to that, the current COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated that colleges across the country hold their classes at least in…
WMPG to operate remotely for the fall semester
WMPG is a local non-profit radio station that is staffed by volunteers, including University of Southern Maine students and community members. Since March, WMPG has been forced to operate remotely. COVID-19 has created many obstacles and learning curves for staff members. At first, the station cut all live programming and could only air repeat shows,…
3 Tips for Learning Your Way Around a Research Lab
Every new year of school introduces new STEM students to their very first lab course. No matter what your major is, your first semester in a scientific or research lab can be intimidating. Fortunately, everyone is in the same boat as you. If you make the most of these first few weeks, the things you…
How To Improve Your Aim in FPS Games
With the school year about to begin, there’s no better time to turn to video games and connect with friends online. First-person shooters (FPS) like Call of Duty and Overwatch also happen to be some of the most popular online games to play with friends. However, FPS games are highly competitive, and you might not…
Funny Debate Topics for Online Debates
Social media is rife with silly debates: Dogs or cats? Boxers or briefs? These x or y games are a fun way to waste some time or refresh your brain before you get back to genuine studying. Since most students will be studying online this fall, at least in part, we’ve gathered some funny topics…
Two residential students test positive for COVID-19
By: Cullen McIntyre, Editor-in-Chief Two new cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed at the University of Southern Maine, bringing the total to four from Phase I of testing. Residential Life confirmed in an email that two students living on campus have both tested positive, one living in Robie Andrews Hall and the other in Woodward Hall….
Health & Counseling Welcome Letter
Welcome new and returning USM students, staff and faculty! We hope you had a healthy and safe summer and are ready to launch into another season of learning. With that in mind, we wanted to make you all aware of what Health & Counseling Services, an integrated program that promotes wellness for both mind and…
Resident student tests positive for COVID-19
By: Cullen McIntyre, Editor-in-Chief A student located in the freshman dorm Upton-Hastings has tested positive for COVID-19. The resident is the second confirmed case from the University’s asymptomatic testing during move-in week and is the first case for a student living on campus. An email sent out to students living in the building from Residential Life…
University confirms one positive COVID-19 test
By: Cullen McIntyre, Editor-in-Chief President Glenn Cummings confirmed in an email that there has been a single positive test result for COVID-19 in the university’s first asymptomatic testing during move-in week. The student, currently in isolation, is from out-of-state, living off campus and will not be participating in any in-person classes this fall. “Contact tracing is…
Tips for Getting Car Insurance as a Student
You may be debating bringing a car to campus to avoid relying on public transportation to get to your classes or for easier travel home during breaks. No matter what the reason is, make sure your car is all set with the best car insurance option for you. Here are a few tips for getting car insurance…
Tips for Finding the Right Wallet
Wallets are exceptional accessories used to carry cash, bank cards, IDs, military cards, licenses, business cards, receipts, coins, and more. Still, with many different materials, shapes, sizes, and accessories to choose from, finding the right wallet can be tricky. Anyone who’s ready to find a new wallet that suits their lifestyle must read these tips…
A Guide to Back-of-the-House Restaurant Slang
Sooner or later, almost all college students (well, those without a trust fund, anyway) work in a restaurant, waiting tables, bussing, washing dishes, prepping, or cooking and plating food. If you haven’t done your time in the “back of the house,” (BOH) yet, here’s a handy (though hardly comprehensive) guide to back-of-the-house restaurant slang. Restaurant…