By Lydia Simmons / Staff Writer Socializing during this pandemic is something that many people have struggled with in a time when it’s required, and safer, to interact from a distance. For greek life at USM, socializing and making in person connections is a big part of the process. In the time of Covid-19 creativity…
Author: USM Free Press
Artist of the Week : Olivia Richmond
By Kayley Weeks / Staff Writer Olivia Richmond is currently a junior at the University of Southern Maine. She is studying Art Education with a double concentration in Painting/Drawing and Ceramics. Richmond is from a small farm town in central Maine called Jefferson. She is a residential student, but has recently made the switch to…
USM Campus Food Pantry Able to Expand With New Donations
By Haley Hersey, Staff Writer Martin’s Point Health Care has recently donated $5,000 to the University of Southern Maine, which was used to open a food pantry on the Gorham campus, states a press release from USM’s Office of Public Affairs. The initial closure of campus due to COVID-19 inspired Martin’s Point to donate a…
Should You Start Paying Off Student Loans While in School?
While you’re attending college, you may already feel the weight of your student loans and worry about how you’ll afford to pay them off. If you have extra money at the end of the month, whether from your work-study job or another part-time job, putting a little toward your impending loans may cross your mind….
Reasons To Live on a School Bus
Right now, it’s nearly impossible to plan for life after college—or even over break. So, keep all your options open before you’re required to “adult” full-time. One possibility is the “skoolie” lifestyle trend. More individualists are converting buses for on-the-road travel and adventure. The increasingly popular reasons to live on a school bus make it…
How To Maximize Window Space for Plants
No matter what type of home you have, you may not have enough window space. Construction in some decades didn’t emphasize natural light the way modern construction does. Most people are familiar with the benefits of natural light in a home, but not everyone has the luxury of living in a place with sufficient window…
Election 2020: Students’ Voices
By Haley Hersey, Staff Writer On a local and national level, the 2020 election was full of controversies and high stakes for many. Deciding whether or not to vote in any election is an important decision. Voting is a right of every United States citizen, but it is also the civic duty of citizens to…
Walk down memory lane, Free Press Staff share old photos
The Free Press wishes everyone a safe and healthy Thanksgiving this year! You can read more about what will be on our holiday menus here. While this year families might do zoom calls and smaller gatherings, the traditions of asking about the current, watching movies and football, are still alive. Take a walk down memory…
Gather Around the Table – Free Press Staff Share What’s on the Menu
Happy Thanksgiving, this year we have to be extra grateful for what we have, and for those, we surround ourselves with. In this new normal of socially distant meals, we are relying on smaller dinner parties and more facetime calls. Staying in touch with those you care about and checking in to let them know…
Car Maintenance You Should Do Before Winter
Harsh winter weather is just around the corner. For many students, this may be your first time owning and caring for a car in the winter. To keep your vehicle running smoothly during the change of seasons, consider what car maintenance you should do before winter strikes. Check Your Lights As winter approaches, the sun…
Artist of the Week : Emily Colby
By Kayley Weeks / Staff Writer Emily Colby is a senior at the University of Southern Maine. Her major is Health Science with a minor in Fine Arts. She plans to attend graduate school to further her education after her graduation this spring. Colby is from Lunenburg, Vermont and she is currently residing on campus…
Stories Untold
By: Lydia Simmons / Staff Writer In a world where people are feeling more distant than ever, especially in the age of Covid-19, there is a growing need to connect with others in our communities and beyond. Each person has their own individual stories, a series of key moments that have shaped them into the…
Theatre Life During a Pandemic
By : Sophia Sturdee / Staff Writer The University Theatre Department offers a variety of courses for theatre and dance majors, and those that are interested in learning more about the performing arts. Many of their programs are largely hands-on and experiential. They learn through dancing, acting, singing and producing. Many things that take in…
Stranger Danger
By: Lizzy Boudah, Staff Writer trigger warning: sexual assault It is no secret that everyone wants to love and be loved. As people start to grow up, this only becomes stronger as they learn and develop feelings and curiosities surrounding romantic or sexual interests. When students reach college, they are typically old enough to join dating…
Basic Guide To the Principles of Chromatography
There are vast amounts of disciplines to study as a science major. Each one requires a deep understanding of research, analysis, and testing methodology. Separation is a technique widely used for analysis. Among the standard separation techniques is chromatography. Follow this basic guide to the principles of chromatography to understand how and why you may use…
Winter is Coming, So is SAD
By: Lizzy Boudah, Staff Writer When the warm months of summer fade into fall, the colors aren’t the only things that start to change. When there’s less sunlight in the day your brain can change, too. For some people, when the cold weather starts to come in so does a different kind of depression. Some people…
Protecting Your Happiness & How to Cultivate Joy
With the start of the holiday season beginning next week, students will be placed in the spotlight. Having to recall the joys and challenges of being at college during a pandemic. However, as we go back to the homes and begin to follow the rules of the roof we are under, protecting your happiness is…
Working on Wellness: Mastering Motivation
By: Sarah Kelly LCPC “I just don’t have any motivation.” “Why can’t I get motivated?” “What is wrong with me?” As mental health clinicians, these are statements and questions we hear often from our clients. Lack of motivation and difficulty finding motivation can be caused by depression, not feeling connected to our values and interests,…
Senior Recital Goes Online
By: Lydia Simmons / Staff Writer In these uncertain times of Covid-19 many things have changed. People have had to find ways to adapt under the circumstances that come with a global pandemic. For USM student Emma Page adapting meant performing her senior recital from home and live streaming it for an audience that otherwise…
Ways To Motivate Yourself To Work Out
Between the demands of studying and maintaining a healthy social life, it’s common for students to find themselves getting just a bit heavier, perhaps falling victim to the infamous “Freshman 15.” However, it’s typically not a lack of desire to exercise, but rather it can be difficult to motivate yourself when you’re already so bogged…
Huskies Prepare for a Winter Sports Season Like No Other
With Thanksgiving around the corner and the end of the on-campus portion of the Fall semester looming, Winter sports are also on the minds of many athletes at USM. Men’s and Women’s Ice Hockey, Indoor Track & Field, Basketball, and Wrestling teams are heading into a winter break like no other. Women’s Ice Hockey For…
TRIO funding doubles with $2.6 million grant
By: Haley Hersey, Staff Writer Exciting news of the TRIO program’s funding doubling spreads campus-wide. A press release from the Office of Public Affairs indicated an additional $1.3 million (for a total of $2.6 million) is being provided to TRIO from the U.S. Department of Education. The additional funding allows the program to advise 120 STEM…
Best Jobs for People Who Love Flowers
For some people, there is nothing more relaxing than spending an evening working in your garden. But for a select few, they get to turn their passion into a full-time career. There are many job opportunities available for people who possess a green thumb. Here are the best jobs for people who love flowers. Landscaping…
A Sunny Saturday To Remember Forever. Healing 2020
These past few months have been solemn for many. Joy doesn’t come as it used to and more. It feels like stress fills our heads and thoughts more than we’d like to admit. This week especially, with the election on Tuesday, I know my friends and I sat in our common spaces continuously refreshing our…