By: Melissa Fraser, Staff Writer Although the end of the semester is approaching, a challenging time for all, this reporter was the only person in attendance for the second of a three-part series held this month to help USM students manage stress and anxiety. The session was held high up on the fourth floor of Bailey…
Author: USM Free Press
What’s my major?
By: Asha Tompkins, Community Editor What’s My Major? If you’re not sure what major to choose, or you’ve joined a major that sounds good but you can’t choose a specific field of study, then don’t worry: you’re not alone. The Free Press randomly chose a few students to explain what their major is with a…
Thanksgiving traditions on turkey thursday
By: Asha Tompkins, Community Editor Everyone has a tradition. Perhaps it’s smearing cake on someone’s face for their birthday, or hosting a cookout on memorial day, or listening to a specific music playlist while writing an essay. In honor of these unique events, The Free Press sought out students at random to share some of their…
Community radio station provides variety of music
By: Ben Theriault, Staff Writer “300 different songs in a week, not the same song 300 times.” This is the unofficial motto at USM’s college radio station WMPG, 90.9 FM. At WMPG, the staff members and disc jockeys pride themselves in their ability to provide USM and the greater Portland area with unique music choices that…
Malek resurrects Freddie Mercury
By Cody Curtis, Staff Writer Very few bands have the chance to blossom into stardom. Even fewer have the opportunity to influence society to such a degree that a biographical picture would be made about them. Bohemian Rhapsody, which was released into theaters on Nov. 2, is one of these very special biographical films. It’s…
New director of bands brings passion to conducting
By: Alyson Peabody, Staff Writer The students at The School of Music are following a new baton. Jackie Townsend joined the USM faculty this past July. She is the director of bands and in that role she spends much of her time conducting. She conducts the University Wind Ensemble and the Concert Band. She has…
What they don’t tell you about… being an art major
By: Zoe Bernardi, Staff Writer The Art Department at USM is a nationally accredited program that offers a multitude of professional degrees, such as studio art, art history and art education. Those students going into art degrees are still left wondering what the experience with their major will really be like. The Free Press interviewed two…
“What’s My Major?” Media Writing, Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy
By Asha Tompkins, Community Editor If you’re not sure what major to choose, or you’ve joined a major that sounds good but you can’t choose a specific field of study, then don’t worry: you’re not alone. The Free Press will randomly choose a few students on a weekly basis to explain what their major is…
What they don’t tell you about… being the program director of a radio station
By Asha Tompkins, Community Editor What most people don’t know about being the program director of a community radio station is that it runs 24 hours a day without automation, meaning DJs are constantly on shift choosing the music. Jessica Lockhart, the program director of the USM community radio station, WMPG, keeps tabs on all…
Next semester brings changes to bookstore
By Melissa Fraser, Staff Writer The USM bookstore will undergo a major change in the upcoming spring semester, removing many of the long metal shelves stocked with course textbooks that line that back of the store as USM shifts toward online-only purchasing. A contract has been made with a virtual bookstore, eCampus, in an effort…
Letter from the editor: Prepare for life after college
By Julie Pike, Editor-in-Chief I’ve been getting the question a lot lately, “Have you given any thought to what you’re going to do after college?” The answer is yes, I have given a lot of thought into it, but I don’t have any idea of what I’ll actually be doing. I feel like that’s common…
Men’s and Women’s Ice Hockey teams kick off season
By Cullen McIntyre, Staff Writer As the weather gets colder, winter sports have emerged at USM. Two of them being the Men and Women’s Ice Hockey teams. Each team is looking to improve on past seasons, as both lost in the New England Hockey Conference Quarterfinals last year with losing records. Men’s Hockey The Men’s…
The College Experience Deconstructed: Middle child syndrome – yes, it’s real
By: Cooper-John Trapp, Staff Writer Sandwiched between the first born-child, who is assumed accountable and granted responsibilities, and the youngest, who is presumed innocent and granted a get-out-of-jail-free-for-life card, the middle child can find themselves starved for attention and acknowledgement. Despite parents’ best intentions, this recurring phenomenon imprints certain personality characteristics on a developing child….
MovieTalk: A star is born in Gaga and Cooper
By Cody Curtis, Staff Writer Every year from September to December, cinematic accolades are discussed. While talking about the Oscars and Golden Globes is important, the power of the messages presented in certain films are even more crucial. The new interpretation of A Star is Born presented by Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga is an…
New dance collective formed by USM students
By Alyson Peabody, Staff Writer A group of students at USM formed a new dance collective called Krush Dance Krew (KDK) earlier this year. KDK performs in a hip-hop inspired urban dance style to Korean pop songs (KPOP). While being influenced by KPOP, they are also inspired by choreography performed by their “World of Dance”…
Margo Halverson’s photos on display in Glickman
By Zoe Bernardi, Staff Writer The newest exhibit at Glickman Library features an iphone photography series by local artist Margo Halverson, a professor at Maine College of Art (MECA) in the graphic design program. In the exhibit called “If I had Known,” Halverson’s artist statement reads, “Moments are up for grabs. It is time that…
Free entertainment resources from the library
By Hailey Wood, Staff Writer The library at USM has free resources for students and faculty that many may not know about, from movies to books, they all are accessible by logging into your USM account, accessing the library website and searching under “databases and guides.” Elizabeth Bull, a library specialist at Glickman Library and…
Sororities continue to exist despite decline
By Nick Schleh, Staff Writer Despite the decline of Greek life nationwide in recent years, two active sororities at USM still exist and continue to work in helping their community and provide a platform for students to make lasting bonds. Alpha Xi Delta and Kappa Iota or as they are nationally known, Kappa Delta Phi…
Liquor and drug violations reduced in Gorham
By Julie Pike, Editor-in-Chief From 2015 to 2017 the reports of liquor violations on the Gorham campus decreased by 51.8 percent, according to the Annual Security Report from USM Public Safety. Part of the decrease in violations is due to cases of over reporting Clery statistics, Christina Lowery, Director of Housing and Residential Life said….
The College Experience Deconstructed: So you wanna drop out?
By Cooper-John Trapp, Staff Writer If you haven’t thought of dropping out by this point in the semester, congratulations. You are doing something right. For the rest of us, the struggle is real. We say the words, but what is this feeling of wanting to drop out? It may be a bad day, or the…
Maine Red Claws going into their tenth season
By: Cullen McIntyre, Staff Writer The Maine Red Claws are kicking off their tenth season since inception on Nov. 2 at home against the Westchester Knicks. The team was founded in 2009, after the NBA G-League awarded the city of Portland, Maine with an expansion franchise. The Red Claws weren’t affiliated officially with a team until…
Student government provides funds for textbooks
By: Nicholas Schleh, Staff Writer USM’s student senate and student body president are helping students combat the high costs of textbooks. The Student Senate and student body president, Katelyn Seavey, split the cost of $6,800 to ensure that every first and second year textbook could be made available to students who may not be able to…
Showing support for domestic violence in October
By: Julie Pike, Editor-in-Chief This past month USM and members of the local community have been showing support and spreading awareness for domestic violence. Going back to 1981, the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence started a “Day of Unity” to help unite and connect those combating domestic violence, according to the Association of Junior Leagues…
Pop up courses offer ways to respond to current events
By Melissa Fraser, Staff Writer Academic programs are not generally designed to respond to breaking news but in the last few years USM has found a way to allow students to learn in real time about current events through pop-up courses. Unlike typical fifteen week courses, students won’t find these classes advertised in a course…