Hello and Goodbye | By Elizabeth Smith, Web Editor
Dear Huskies,
As we convene and reconvene after the summer break, I wish you all a warm and heartfelt welcome. My name is Liz, and I’m in my fourth year and final semester here at USM. Upon graduation in December, I will have completed a communication and media studies double bachelors and a minor in public relations.
I’m thrilled to take on the role as Web Editor in my final semester at USM, as I’ve deeply enjoyed working for the newspaper, and welcome any opportunity to spend additional time informing the campus community. Besides covering news stories, my role as Web Editor consists of updating our website when new issues come out and managing our social media presence.
Working for the newspaper has helped shape my understanding of the importance of objective reporting and the preservation of free speech on our campuses, in our communities, and throughout the nation. Having the freedom to report the truth about current issues is a feeling like no other. I invite each and every one of you to consider joining The Free Press as a way of preserving the integrity of the free marketplace of ideas. Discourse is essential. When we stop communicating with one another, we die. As I transition out of my time here at USM, I look forward to the road ahead, informed by my experiences here and ready to embrace whatever adventures come my way.
My Best,
Liz Smith