By: Office of Graduate Studies
Whether you’re a new or returning graduate student, the Office of Graduate Studies wishes you a prosperous and healthy spring semester — and we’re here to help you every step of the way.
Graduate Studies is the one department solely dedicated to graduate student services and support — including finances & scholarships, student employment, guidance on academic policies, professional development & networking, student engagement, and advocacy.
We’re always here for advice and guidance — but here are three things we encourage you to focus on this year:
Get involved. We know you’re busy, but when grad students get together for common cause, great things happen. For example, our new Graduate Student Board is comprised of student leaders from different backgrounds and ages pursuing the shared goals of Advocacy, Community, and Engagement for their peers — join one of their events or meetings this year! Another way to get involved is to serve on the Intercultural and Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC), which includes students, faculty, and staff who advise the President. Both of these groups welcome online students to join via Zoom. These are just a couple of the many ways to get involved.
Tell us your story. USM graduate students are engaged in groundbreaking research, scholarship, and creative activity that benefits and enriches their field, our community, and the state (and beyond). Faculty often consider their graduate students “junior colleagues”, and they work closely together both academically and professionally. Similarly, our hundreds of Graduate Assistants and other student employees serve as tutors, student services leaders, mentors, facilitators, and colleagues to gain valuable service learning and resume-building experiences. Look for our bulletins and calls for submissions to tell us what you’re doing, so we can celebrate your success and inspire others.
Be good to yourself. We know you’re juggling school, work, family, and many other commitments, so please make self-care a priority — and know that you’re not alone. USM has lots of great resources to help, including: The Office of Counseling Services, with offices on each campus, 24/7 referrals, and regular workshops; the Recovery Oriented Campus Center (ROCC), a supportive community of peers dedicated to students in recovery from substance use and other mental health conditions. Also, self-care includes seeking academic and financial help through the wonderful resources in the Library and Learning Commons, and by consulting Graduate Studies and Student Financial Services to make sure you have a financial plan to get you across the finish line.
In short — stay connected… Please come see us in our new offices in 117 Wishcamper Center in Portland; drop by one of our monthly Coffee Hours; or engage with us on social media.
Our best wishes for a wonderful semester,
The Graduate Studies Team
Contacts mentioned above:
Office of Graduate Studies
117 Wishcamper Center, Portland;; 207-780-4872; Twitter: @USMGradStudies; Facebook: @USouthernMaine.GraduateStudents; Instagram: @USouthernMaine
Graduate Student Board & Network
Intercultural & Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC)
Office of Counseling Services
Portland: 96 Falmouth Street, 105 Payson Smith Hall; (207) 780-4050
Gorham: 156 Upton Hall; (207) 780-5411
Lewiston: (207) 753-6685
Recovery Oriented Campus Center (ROCC)
Sullivan Gym, third floor, Portland
Facebook: @ROCCatUSM
Learning Commons
Portland: 2nd Floor, Glickman Library; (207)780-4228
Gorham: 1st Floor, Bailey Hall Library; (207) 780-5345