Getting your first credit card is an exciting step towards a promising financial future. Using one responsibly can help you build a good credit history and score. As a result, you will be able to get better rates on future loans and have a greater chance of being approved for rental houses and apartments. Additional benefits include avoiding utility deposits and getting lower insurance premiums.
Like any commitment, it is important to educate yourself before signing any contracts. Here is our list of first credit card tips to help you get started.
Don’t Apply for too Many
Applying for multiple credit cards in a short period of time can damage your credit score. When you apply for a credit card, credit providers do a “hard” inquiry on your credit history. Several hard inquiries at one time may look suspicious and harm your score, especially if you have a short credit history. Instead, apply for one card with a low limit that you have a good chance of qualifying for.
Read and Understand the Terms and Conditions
Signing a contract with a credit card agency is a big responsibility. As such, it is important that you know and understand all the terms and conditions. These may include interest rates, fees, and reward programs that apply to your new card. By understanding these terms, you will have a better chance of making the most of the card’s benefits and avoiding any negative consequences.
Use Your Credit Card Regularly
One of the main benefits of having a credit card is that it can allow you to build a good credit history and raise your credit score. However, if you don’t regularly use your card, there won’t be enough data to calculate a score.
Pay the Entire Balance
If you pay your card balance in full each month, you will never have to worry about costly interest rates on your purchases. In addition, you will begin to build a good credit history by proving to credit reporting agencies that you are financially responsible.
We hope these first credit card tips help guide you down the path to making responsible financial decisions.