By: Alexander Holderith, Student Senator
Hey Huskies! I’m Student Senator Alexander Holderith and I’d like to inform you about some recent projects, happenings, and plans regarding the USM Student Government Association (SGA) that you may be interested in.
First, the Student Senate elections concluded on Oct. 18 and eight new senators were elected. The new additions to the Senate are Libby Bertrand, Jarvis Simpson, Sunday Maker, Nathan Carlow, Joe Demakis, James Joseph, Dana Abdulhay, Khaalid Kakande, and Chris Wagner. We look forward to seeing how these new Senators can improve the experience for students while working towards making positive changes on campus and we have already begun to conduct great work with them.
Second, with cooperation between the Student Senate and Student Body President, the Textbooks On Reserve, which are located in both campus libraries, now cover all 100 and 200- level courses. This means that if you cannot afford to purchase a textbook for a course, you can go to the Glickman or Gorham libraries and borrow your required textbook for a two-hour time slot. The program has been running for two years now and has been a great tool for students.
Third, the Student Senate is currently looking at inviting a host of figures to come to speak on campus next semester. While we have a few figures in mind, we would love to hear your input on who to invite. Please email us at with suggestions for who you would like to see come and speak. The spring semester is approaching quickly, so please email us as soon as possible!
The Student Senate has also begun an initiative to work with dining halls on both campuses to implement the usage of reusable straws. With this effort, we hope to do our part to help USM become a more environmentally friendly place.
Finally, the Senate has been working long hours to revise our outdated constitution to ensure that the Senate stays accountable, transparent and responsible. I am pleased to say that we are finally nearing the conclusion of our efforts and our new changes will soon be ratified by the Senate.
As always we are constantly looking for bright individuals on campus who would like to become a Student Senator. It is a fantastic opportunity to be the change you would like to see at USM. Drop by our office on the Portland Campus, 151 Woodbury and pick up an application!