By Alex Carrier, Coordinator of Student Activities
Hello, Huskies! Whether this is your first semester at USM or your last, it is always the right time to seek out involvement opportunities and get engaged on campus.
Involvement means different things to different people – for some, it’s being the leader of a student organization, but for others, it could mean having a work-study job on campus, volunteering at a local organization, or doing an internship.
No matter your style, it’s important to find ways to connect to USM beyond your classroom experience. Involvement helps you learn important skills that will make you successful in future endeavors both personally and professionally.
Other opportunities for involvement include attending events on campus and engaging with your peers in social opportunities. The relationships that you develop at USM have the potential to last a lifetime.
If you’re curious to learn more, I would encourage you to check out our website: There you’ll find details about upcoming events, student organizations, and Involvement Coaching sessions. These 30-minute, one-on-one conversations allow us to learn about you, your interests, and your career goals, so that we can provide you with personalized recommendations of different student organizations or involvement opportunities that will be the right fit for you.
One of the best ways to learn about student organizations on campus is to attend one of two Involvement Fairs that we host at the beginning of the semester.
The first is Husky Fest on the Portland Campus, on the lawn outside of Luther Bonney from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m on September 6. The second is from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Tuesday, September 11 in Gorham, Lower Brooks.
These are just a few of the many Week of Welcome events happening during the beginning of the semester. Check out the others at
Finally, I am always looking for students who are eager to support the many programs and activities that we coordinate throughout the semester.
If you have work-study funding and would be interested in working with me, please shoot me an email! I can be reached at or 780-5624.
I am so excited that you’re joining the USM family, and I can’t wait to have you participate in the campus community through involvement.
Active Student Organizations:
Accounting Society/Club |
Alpha Omega |
Alpha Xi Delta |
American Sign Language Club (ASL) |
Athletic Training Student Association (ATSA) |
Black Organization for Student Success |
Board of Student Organizations |
Campus Kitchen Project |
Circle K Club |
Collegiate National Association for Music Education (CNAFME) |
Commuter Student Association |
Engineering Student Committee (ESC) |
Engineers Without Borders |
Environmental Science Student Group (ESG) |
Exercise Science Student Association (ESSA) |
Film Club |
Foodies for Social Justice |
Gamma Iota Sigma (formerly Risk and Insurance Club) |
Geography-Anthropology Student Association |
Global Affairs Economic and Environmental Emissaries |
Gorham Campus Activities Board (GCAB) |
Honors Student Organization |
Huskies for Reproductive Health |
Husky Veterans |
Kappa Phi Delta NAS – Kappa Iota |
Latinx Student Group |
Martial Arts Club |
National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) |
National Student Speech and Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) |
National Student Teachers of Singers (Student NATS) |
Native American Student Alliance |
Navigators |
Outdoor Adventures Board (OAB) |
Phi Mu Delta Fraternity |
Pre-Health Professions |
Psychology Club |
Queer-Straight Alliance (QSA) |
Southern Maine Hillel |
Student Marketing Association |
Student Nurses Organization |
Student Performing Artists (SPA) |
Student Senate |
Table Top Games |
The Bridge |
Tourism and Hospitality Student Group (TAHSG) |
USM Dance Team |
USM Scuba Club |
USM Socialists |
USM Students Without Borders |
YesPlus |