Eden Runyon, junior with a health science major, is looking forward to traveling to Spain this summer as well as taking two humanities classes and working. Runyon said that she is excited to see the architecture of Spain and to visit Barcelona.Larson Coppinger, a senior in political science is looking forward to filling his resume with volunteer work, part time jobs and internships that are related to his degree.Kate Muriel, a senior in criminology and women and gender studies, is “looking forward to having time off from school.” She will be spending her summer working. She also stated that her final semester at USM has been “a little crazy” due to the large amount of research she has been conducting. Muriel was a presenter at the Thinking Matters event.Jenna Staples, a sophomore in nursing is excited to “have a break from school” this summer. She will also work in a nursing home as a Certified Nurse Assistant.Matthew Norris, a junior in leadership and organizational studies will be a full time student this summer, taking five courses. He is looking forward to traveling to Pennsylvania as well as exploring the Greater Portland area. Norris also added that he’s enjoyed his time as a student at USM so far stating that, “It’ll take time to find your path, but USM will help you.”Bill Grubb, Coordinator of Reference and Instructional Services at USM, is looking forward to making an online tutorial that will help USM students better understand the resources the library provides. He will also be traveling to Florida, catching up with some work, and moving his 10 new chicks into a newly built coop.David Neikirk, the Digital Imaging Associate at the Osher Map Library is looking for some time off and “staying local.”