In the story, “Cutler proposes reform in higher education,” we reported that Cutler’s speech was in 2009 in which he was asked to speak about his work in China. The speech was in 2008, and he was asked to speak about Maine’s place in a changing world and America.
In “Missing keys trigger a rise in security measures,” it was reported that a set of master keys was stolen out of facilities van. The van was a USM van, not a facilities van. Also, university officials estimated that the process may cost the university a sum in the low six figures, not “more than six figures.”
In “A Portland and Gorham events board update,” it was reported that the Gorham Events Board hosted Husky Games. The GEB did not host the Husky Games, and the Portland Events Board brought the zipline to HuskyFest. It was reported that the GEB attends the National Association for Campus Activities. It should be clarified that NACA is a three day conference in Connecticut in which the GEB can attend educational sessions and meet vendors. It was reported that performers will be offered at a discounted rate, but discounted rates on performers are not necessarily guaranteed.