At Friday’s student senate meeting, student body Vice President Marpheen Chann announced an event in response to the direction package called, “Student Vision 2013.”
Chief Student Success Officer Susan Campbell gave an informational presentation to the senate about searches for new positions at the university. One of the three positions that the university hopes to fill is a new Coordinator of Veterans Services that would help secure benefits for veteran students who have not been receiving them. Campbell’s presentation was part of a student senate effort to become more involved in the important decisions at USM, according to Student Senate Vice Chair Will Gattis.
“The student senate is trying to be more involved in more than just approving BSO groups and field trips. We want to have more of a place at the table about what happens,” said Gattis.
The introduction of “Student Vision 2013,” an event to be hosted by Chann-Berry and student body President Kelsea Dunham is a part of a student response to the administration’s new direction package. In a statement to the Free Press, Chann-Berry said that the, “Student Vision Conference is an opportunity for all students, not just student government or student leaders, to contribute to the discussion and craft a common vision of what we would like to see happen at USM.”
Chan-Berry went on to say that the range of students “Student Vision 2013” is intended to reach include commuters, residents, international, LGBTQIA and students from all majors.
In other business, the senate approved a request to donate $1,500 to the Gorham Events Board for their attendance at a conference, reducing the cost each attending student will pay out of pocket. The request pass unanimously.
Nathaniel Margeson, transfer student and former member of the SMCC Student Senate, was voted in as a new member of the USM senate. His past involvement included being president of the game club and the anime club at SMCC, and also being a member of the Representative Administrations Board.
The senate approved the creation of an Anime club at USM, which was initially proposed by Nathaniel Margeson. Additionally, they recognized the Southern Maine Outdoor Adventure Club and the Geology club.
The next Student Senate meeting will be held Gorham’s Bailey Hall, room 405 on Friday at 1:00 p.m.