Every week we look through the tweets of known USM students and pick out our favorites. Here are some gems from last week:
Kid is eating hard boiled eggs before class… What
— Hillary Norwood (@ihmunssmd) September 19, 2013
This gum is coming in clutch so I can stay awake in my classes today.
— Hillary Norwood (@ihmunssmd) September 19, 2013
Just fell asleep in yoga class #PerksOfTheCollegeLife
— Azmy (@jazmyn0925) September 18, 2013
The shuttle bus driver just yelled "damn thing!" while honking at a squirrel that ran across the road. #pshh #oldpeople
— Kristen Dickison (@X10Dickison) September 17, 2013
The fact that the bus was completely full and I got a seat right behind my roomie. #winning
— karïna
(@kayaz__) September 16, 2013
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