1.) Maine Breaking News @bangordailynews: The official Twitter for one of the best daily newspapers in the state, The Bangor Daily News has completely embraced the platform with ease. Updates throughout the day provide quick links to breaking and developing news and opinions without needing to navigate through the actual site. The best part? The updates happen throughout the day at just the right pace to avoid both sporadic story dumps and news-feed spam.
2.) Future KurtBaker @FutureKurtBaker: It’s the year 2024, and Portland’s power-pop king (and former lead-singer of The Leftovers) Kurt Baker has settled down with a loving family and is a residing member of the Maine House of Representatives. But the Maine political atmosphere isn’t quite what it used to be, as Baker spends most of his time battling a two-headed centaur-fusion of Gov. Paul LePage and blogger/Portland music celeb Spencer Albee.
3.) The Portland Buzz @thePortlandBuzz: Although The Portland Buzz is less than a year old, it has become the go-to spot for finding events throughout the city. Regular, personable updates by the site’s founder, USM graduate Thressa Willett, provide a platform for lesser-known events that fly under the radar of more traditional media outlets.
4.) Anthony Ronzio @ronzio: As the new media director for the Sun Media Group, which includes The Forecaster and The Sun Journal, Anthony Ronzio’s timeline is filled with first-person local news coverage and behind-the-scenes commentary on the continuing evolution of journalism. Mix in some biting sports commentary and quick response time, and you have one of the top followed Tweeters in the state.
5.) Seth And The City @SethKoenig: Seth Koenig isn’t just The Bangor Daily News’ resident Portland-Man-At-Large, he’s also a multi-time award winning journalist — most recently the recipient of the Maine journalist of the year. Aside from a steady stream of in-depth local reporting, Koenig provides behind-the-scenes glances of developing stories, giving followers anecdotes that might have been left on the editing-room floor.