To the Editor:
My name is April Mulkern and I am a USM student. I am provocative. Is what I wear and how I express myself within this University System too much for the consistency to handle? I have discovered the venues and art forms where I can live to my truest potential. I perform in drag. I perform in the Vagina Monologues. I want to thank the University for letting me pursue my artistic expression. Yet, is what I do too much for the people within this University to comprehend?
Everyone’s role within this University is different. Students, faculty and staff all serve a different purpose on the Portland and Gorham campuses to make this organization and business of USM work everyday. Without having the political systems like the BSO, The Free Press, WMPG and Student Senate we as students would not have a voice.
My voice is one which is methodical and passionate. I work at the Center for Sexualities and Gender Diversity. I put my perceived sexuality on the line everyday by working there. Through my work, I leave myself susceptible to symbolically wearing a name tag that says “G-A-Y”
Do you know what the strange thing is though? I am not gay. I am attracted to both men and women. I always have and I always will. Is being queer or bisexual too provocative? Is how I dress and how I present myself in this University as being a woman who holds and yields the tools for progressive change too much for people to comprehend?
These are all open questions. I feel like in this letter, I am telling The Free Press and the school who I am.
I am a woman. I worship the goddess. I am queer. Deal with it.
Thank you.
April Mulkern
Heinz for Kerry
To the Editor:
I read the article describing Chris Heinz’ speech in support for Senator John Kerry for president. He came across loud and clear.
Kerry will raise taxes, increase federal spending on certain programs and increase the minimum wage. Where is this money coming from? TAX PAYERS!
Kerry’s comments about this being the worst economy is a lot of hot air. The current unemployment rate is the lowest since the ’70s. If you don’t believe me check the records.
Kerry says he will get more countries involved in Iraq. Kerry says he’ll do this by offering economic incentives. Where is that money coming from? TAX PAYERS!
If he is such a good leader what has he produced in the Senate over the last twenty years other than a lousy attendance record? Kerry may be a great family man and he talks a good story but he is not ready to lead this country.
Joe Aldoupolis
Alumnus, Applied Technology Education
Successive generations will thank you
Though our tuition goes a long way towards paying the bills and advancing our University of Southern Maine into the future, a major part of our funding still comes from the state legislature.
It is important to remind our representatives that USM is the dominant regional entity for increasing the higher education abilities of individuals. And that these self-improving people (i.e., us) in turn make more intelligent decisions, build stronger communities and attract outside commercial enterprises. The fact that an educated population creates a vibrant economy is a major talking point for a group of people known as the USM Advocates.
These faculty, alums and local business leaders lobby our legislators to remind them of the extensive benefits a strong regional college provides.
Historically they have been very effective in their efforts. This year, however, something new has happened. They have included student voices. Two of us currently sit on this committee and give advice on behalf of our informed and socially active student body.
The lobbying for this season is close at hand. A small batch of meet-and-greet informational breakfasts are planned for the advocates to politic with legislators. The two student voices currently in attendance are not going to be enough; we want more USM learners to accompany us and make our presence felt.
This is a spectacular opportunity to be heard outside of the classroom. Join us and be there representing yourself, our school and the strong social community that we are all a part of.
If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact me. The Advocacy Committee wants your participation, our school needs your voice and our community will benefit greatly from your time.
Joshua Force
Junior, Political Science
(207) 841-4250