Sept. 1
A vehicle was broken into at Portland Hall on 8/31/04
There was a hit and run on 8/31/04 between 9:00a.m. and 2:30p.m. The incident took place in the student parking lot by the Woodbury Campus Center.
There was a complaint about a police officer on traffic detail on 8/29/04.
A student believed that he had seen an older male in a vehicle on Falmouth St. whom he thought may have been the older male reported taking pictures of female students. The complainant phoned back and advised that the vehicle had left the area.
USM Police stopped a black Saab 900 with Maine plates on University Way in Gorham under suspicion of drunk driving. Sgt. Soper brought Chad Tibbets, 22, of Saco, to the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Offic. The vehicle was towed. A court date was set for 10/04/04. Tibbets was bailed from the jail at 8:43 p/m/ and was gien a summons for consuming alcohol in a vehicle.
A group was observed in the parking lot outside Philippi Hall appearing as though they may have been smoking marijuana. An officer was sent, but the potential offenders were gone on arrival.
An RA reported a marijuana smell on the third floor of Upton Hall. An officer was sent, but no odor was detected. The RA will be filing a report stating which room was suspected.
The security guard at Lafayette Arms received complaints from tenants regarding a group of approximately 20 people in front of Portland Hall. USM Police advised the group to show some respect for the neighbors and the time (1:53 a.m.). The majority of the group went inside.
Sept. 2
A wallet was stolen from the Law School. The theft is currently under investigation.
Ashley Gosline, 20, of Gorham, was served a summons for leaving the scene of an accident.
Somebody requested an officer as he had ID cards of students smoking marijuana in the parking lot. The matter will be referred to Student Conduct.
Sept. 3
There were alcohol violations in Portland Hall.
Complaints were received about a group in the courtyard of Upton-Hastings Hall who were singing and playing a guitar and drums. The group was cleared.
Four subjects were chased on foot behind the Costello Sports Complex heading for the John Mitchell Center. The Gorham police department was notified. One of the subjects was caught.
Sept. 4
A green Chrysler was seen sitting in the dark on Husky Drive by Rt. 25. It was gone on arrival.
Sept. 6
Somebody reported hearing people talk about smoking marijuana and smelled it as s/he walked by. The alleged offenders were gone when the officer arrived at Robie-Andrews Hall.
An RA reported smelling marijuana. Nothing could be detected once the officers arrived.
Sept. 7
There was an investigation into harassment reported in Gorham.
Sept. 8
Three fire extinguishers were reported stolen on 9/5/04 from the parking garage in Portland. Two were taken from the third floor and one from the fourth. The thefts are currently under investigation.