Name: Nicole Brigham
Year: Freshman
Major: Education
Answer: I think it would be ok because I would be serving my country.
Name: Allison Richmond
Year: Freshman
Major: Sports Medicine
Answer: I think the army should be voluntary. It’s good to serve your country, but some people just aren’t made for it.
Name: Courtney Clark
Year: Freshman
Major: Education
Answer: It’s supposed to be a free country and they want to make us join the army; that’s not freedom.
Name: Alex Pastuhou
Year: second
Major: Media Studies
Answer: I am in complete rejection of the draft proposal. I feel as though we have no place being in Iraq in the first place.
Name: Ken Magure
Year: Junior
Major: English
Answer: I don’t agree with it. I think the whole Bush administration needs to reevaluate what’s important to the country and its people.