April 15
USM Police broke up a group of drunken musicians in front of Philippi Hall in Gorham.
Three Easter baskets, three soccer balls and three “children’s golf sets” were stolen from 29 Baxter Blvd. In Portland.
April 16
A fire extinguisher on the fifth floor of Portland Hall was illicitly activated.
Police responded to an argument between a male and female on the eighth floor of Wood Hall in Gorham. The male fled upon the Police officer’s arrival.
April 17
USM Police arrested Walter Macindoe, age 38, on a USM Police Department warrant.
April 18
Liquids were poured onto a vehicle in a parking garage on the Gorham campus.
April 19
USM Police received complaints of a loud group on the short wall outside Portland Hall.
Aramark reported a robbery at Bailey Hall’s snack bar. Someone broke into the kiosk and stole $40 worth of “various drinks.”
A student in Upton-Hastings complained of a group yelling by the flag pole, disturbing him in his studies. The group was gone upon USM Police’s arrival.
Someone complained of a “suspicious person” in the Glickman library. The person was gone upon USM Police’s arrival.
Someone moved a couch from a campus building into a parking lot.
April 21
A 1999 Ford Escort was parked illegally with an invalid handicap placard in the Gorham parking lot behind Luther-Bonney.
“Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend dispute” reported at Portland Hall.