1 April
A student in Portland Hall told the police he was threatened by a person he says he has a protection order against. USM Police are investigating the incident.
The right side of a car parked in Gorham was found kicked in.
Police were called to Dickey Hall on suspicion of marijuana use and confiscated alcohol instead.
2 April
Graffiti was found on the Upton-Hastings Residential Life office door and a nearby stairwell. USM Police took photos of the graffiti as evidence.
A female student was found unconcious in Masterton Hall. USM Police and an ambulance from Portland responded. The student regained conciousness and declined transport to a hospital.
3 April
Residential Life handled a marijuana violation in Hastings Hall in Gorham.
USM Police arrested Deanna Hutchins, age 37, at Luther-Bonney Hall for criminal trespassing. She was transported to Portland to be jailed.
Two people hurt themselves in separate incidents in Gorham’s Ice Arena during pick-up hockey games.
All four tires of USM Police’s Portland cruiser were slashed while it was parked at Portland Hall. Other cars on Congress Street also had their tires slashed. Portland Police arrested David C Williams, age 40, for aggrivated criminal mischief in connection with this vandalism.