Feb. 22
Green “Resident Parking” signs were stolen from Gorham’s G-12 and G-13 parking lots sometime between today and the 24th.
Feb. 25
Items left near a car in Gorham’s G-12 lot were stolen.
Juveniles harassing passers-by at the Portland Campus Center were shooed away by USM Police.
Feb. 26
A backpack was stolen from a car parked in Portland’s Sullivan Gym parking lot.
Feb. 27
A car parked behind Phillipi Hll in Gorham was vandalized.
Police arrested someone in Wood Hall’s sixth floor. They were brought to the county jail.
A vending machine in Dickey Hall was unlocked, opened and robbed.
Feb. 28
A custodian found the cash box from a vending machine in the lobby in the trash of the same room. This machine was broken into on Feb. 26. The box was collected for evidence.
A car in Gorham’s G13 lot was vandalized.
A car in Gorham’s G7 lot was vandalized. Its rear window was slashed.
A person refused to leave the Glickman library. She left after USM Police spoke to her.
There was an alcohol violation at Portland Hall. USM Police dumped the offending beer out.