“Lounge lights are unnecessary 24/7. Lights and televisions are left on all day in the dorms. Minimizing these usages would reduce power consumption.”
“Keep appliances off when you’re not using them and turn off computers at night. Shut off bathroom lights when no on is in there.”
“I’m aware, but it’s something that I usually don’t worry about unless some reminds me. I probably leave my computer on too long and don’t even know it. I think it’s a matter of just breking the habit.”
“I try to keep my consumption down. I turn off lights and conserve water in my dorm room. I recycle all my bottles, cans, and paper products to conserve natural resources.”
“The energy consumption in our house is extremely high. Between multiple computers, air conditioners, and music equipment, our energy expenditure is higher than normal. Although I may make excuses for our use, I have become so used to our energy amount, that it would be difficult to actually cut back.”