The goal to be more inclusive and tolerant was presented at the first Board of Student Organizations (BSO) meeting this past Friday afternoon. Vice President Julia Edwards reiterated to the 29 groups represented in the basement of Payson Smith that she and the current executive board hoped to be more accepting and understanding. She hinted at the arrogance and lack of support past leadership had been guilty of displaying and encouraged the newcomers to ask questions and not feel intimated.
The BSO identified the group’s goals for the year and discussed individual goals as well. As President of the BSO, Elizabeth Mann revealed that her goal was for groups with proposals to submit them to the BSO the Friday prior to their tri-weekly meeting. She said this deadline would allow the executive board to review proposals and make suggestions so any group’s proposal would be more likely to pass. Some comments from the floor included mention of short meetings and food at every meeting. University Student Activist representative Brian Simpson suggested hosting informative speakers regularly.
The first meeting hosted a slew of speakers with varying objectives. Assistant Dean of Student Life Andrea Thompson McCall promoted student participation within the University. “Our job is your success,” she said noting that students who become involved outside the classroom are generally more successful.
Assistant to the Dean of Student Life Chris O’Connor spoke about helping students find their place and encouraged students to utilize the new student involvement center in Woodbury Campus Center. O’Connor, along with Coordinator of Student Senate Operations Kathleen Pease act as advisers to the BSO.
Each group was given the floor to inform the others of what they’ve been doing and what they’re planning for the upcoming semester. Though many groups hadn’t held their first meeting, others presented proposals asking funds for special projects.
Both the Southern Maine Outing Club and newly formed Baha’I Student Association presented proposals and received funds from the special projects account which totals $10,300.
The primary function of the BSO is to allocate funds to student organizations. The BSO receives their funding from the Student Senate which comes from the student activity fee.
Christy McKinnon can be contacted at