First ~ The Astrological Weather Affecting Us All:
*Mercury quincunx Pluto 4/20~5/3 at 20 Taurus/Sag. Change your attitude; change your life. Mercury, the planet of communication and commerce is in Taurus, the sign that resists change. Pluto represents not mere change, but transformation. Globally, this means a tough battle for any group’s “hearts & minds”. On a personal level, you must deal with what is, not what you’d like it to be.
*Venus enters Aries 4/21 until 5/16. For singles: less talk and more action in pursuing a partner. For those in relationship: desire for more freedom or autonomy within the relationship. Red is the color of choice. Avoid acquisitiveness; you’ll spend your way to ruin.
*Mars enters Aquarius 4/21 until 6/16. People get passionate for humanitarian causes and they are much less willing to compromise their ideals. Global human rights in the news, but notice how the issue of individual rights hits your hometown. Note: Mars will be retrograde mid-July to late Sept. Initiating aggressive acts (law suits, startups of all kinds, etc.) while Mars is retro often results in failure, usually due to lack of energy.
*Sun sesquisquare Pluto 4/24~26 at 5 Taurus/20 Sag. There can be real frustration in determining who has what powers. Sexual issues can get tense as well – power here too. The opportunity is there to learn to trust. Trust OK, but verify!
*Mercury turns Retrograde 4/26 until 5/20. This is great for inner commune, self-enquiry, and internal communications in general. But day-to-day schedules get fouled up. Electromechanical items break down with greater frequency (cars & computers). Contracts are misunderstood and buying big-ticket items often result in disappointment. Make backups and allow extra time for everything.
And Now, For your Sign this Week…
Taurus (4/20~5/21): Creative early week, and romantic too, if you’re lucky! While Venus is in Aries, get rid of the junk in your life. Clean out the closets and get rid of stuff, attitudes and people you no longer need. If you would have more, you must make room for it!
Gemini (5/21~6/21): Deal with the reality of the situation! Just when you think you know the answers, they change the questions. Time of great change for you, like it or no. Just because it may feel uncomfortable doesn’t mean it isn’t right. Change your attitude; change your life!
Cancer (6/21~7/22): For the next four weeks, focus in on your plans for the future. What are your hopes and dreams? What goals have you achieved that allow you to make new ones? What desires have to be written off as unattainable, thus allowing you to make new ones?
Leo (7/22~8/23): Pay attention to your career and standing in the community. It’s not enough to talk a good line or to even show up. You’ve got to deliver. What is your leadership style? Time to focus in on what works for you and what doesn’t. Learn some new tricks.
Virgo (8/23~9/23): You may be trying to reconcile new information with old attitudes and beliefs, which can make your head or belly ache. This is called growth and growing pains. Learn more about it, even – or especially – if it seems foreign to you. Mercury retro fouls your schedules.
Libra (9/23~10/23): A new or renewed ardor in your relationships may surprise you. But be aware of trying to exert too much control over him/her. You need to respect people for who they are. Honest relationship isn’t always “nice”. Sometimes you just gotta get down ‘n dirty.
Scorpio (10/23~11/22): You may start directing your considerable energy inwards, towards self and your home environment. You may be less outgoing as you spend time and energy digging around the base of your soul or the cellar of your house.
Sagittarius (11/22~12/21): What are your views about your work and your work place? Are you enjoying what you do? Are you making a contribution to your fellow workers? Are you working in a healthy environment? Get your annual physical checkup now.
Capricorn (12/21~1/20): Romance in the air? Well just maybe. Take a chance. Hell, the worse he/she can say is no. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Work on improving your finances even while you improve the d?cor of your living environment.
Aquarius (1/20~2/18): Early week, just sashay right on down main street and strut your stuff! Be the you you need to be. Buy a (one!) lottery ticket, but otherwise see what you can do to reduce your reliance on debt – it encumbers you.
Pisces (2/18~3/20): Early week you get chances to encounter people who strike you as refreshingly different. They may reflect your own desire to bust out of other people’s ideas on who you should be and how you should act. Do your own thing, baby.
Aries (3/20~4/20): On the one hand, you are more attractive to others and your ardor is up! You’re ready to make things happen! On the other hand, you appear to want to spend time doing your own thing and are repelled by clinginess. How to have closeness and space?
Charles Gould is based in Portland and may be reached at 874-1901 or for consultations on Career/Business, Relocations, Relationships, Life, Soul, & Spirit issues. Make sense of what the hell is going on in your life now!!