* The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, and Allied Resource Center is trying to conjure up a new moniker. The center invites all students to submit their name ideas at the GLBTQA office in the Woodbury Campus Center, at the Intercultural Office at 121c Upton Hall, by E-mail (glbtqaresourcecenter@yahoo.com) or by phone (228-8235). After April 9, the names will be judged and ballots will be available to vote on the best one.
* On Saturday March 28th, Phi Kappa Sigma executive director Hamilton Smith visited the Gorham chapter of the national fraternity. Hamilton was pleased with the Fraternity’s progress since their 8500 dollar insurance lapse at the beginning of the semester. The men of Phi Kappa Sigma have since paid the remaining 4028 dollars on their insurance bill. The money was raised mostly through membership dues.
* A grand opening was held on April 5th for the new loop of the Portland Women’s History Trail. The new loop was celebrated by guided tours on the trail and reception later that day. The new loop focuses on “Women at Work” through the ages. The trail brings to life the trials of the working women in Portland at the turn of the 20th century. For more information on the trail, contact Patricia Finn at the USM history Department. 780-4284
* Friday April 11th is the date set for the “Technology for Everyone” conference held at the Hill Gymnasium on USM’s Gorham campus. Governor Baldacci, along with 150 Maine technology educators, Maine high school robotics teams and the manufacturers of the “Segway Human transport System” will be featured at the conference. The conference is free to all members of the campus community and will be open from 9am to 11 am.
* President Pattenaude spoke at a recent student senate meeting on the construction of the parking garage on the Portland campus. He believes that in the fall, students will be able to use the lower levels of the parking garage while the higher stories are still being completed.