Week of November 18 ~ 24, 2002
First ~ The Astrological Weather Affecting Us All:
*Sun quincunx Saturn 11/18~ 20 at 28 Scorpio/Gemini. Rules & Regs, proper procedure, arch authorities, demanding details, tedious technicalities. So. when are you the “victim” and when are you the jerk?
*Mercury enters Sagittarius 11/19 until 12/8. Free speech helps see the big picture. Philosophies & religions get an airing. For crying out loud, don’t mistake a truth for THE truth!
*Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse 11/19 8:34 pm at 28 Taurus/Scorpio. Fixed sign Taurus stakes it out and fixed sign Scorpio defends it. Full Moons bring the apex of things and/or the conclusion of things. Oh, but you don’t want to let go, is that it? Say goodbye, get over it, and move on.
*Mars sesquisquare North Node 11/19~23 at 24 Libra/ 9 Gemini. Groups, clubs, parties, associations, etc. experience difficulties in working together. Lots of cantankerous bickering and genuine differences of opinion. If you’re not into this, skip the meeting!
*Venus stops & turns direct 11/21 at 0 Scorpio. Phew! Now you can back on track with right relations with him/her. Now you can “get” that beautiful something. Beware! You may get what you ask for and be stuck with it!
*Sun enters Sagittarius 11/22. It is the last sign of Fall before Winter Solstice. Therefore it is a mutable, or changeable sign. It is also a Fire, or Spirit sign. Free Spirit.
And Now, For your Sign this Week.
Scorpio (10/23~11/22): Action & excitement may come from arguments between/among the groups you’re in. Notice what requires your energetic input. Boisterous physical activities include competition, construction or sex Sun in Sag for you: look to your inner resources.
Sagittarius (11/22~12/21): A new cycle starts with your birthday. Get ready for a new start! Clean out the closets, the old relationship, go on a fast – whatever. Just make room for something new in your life! Lose some notions about some petty truths, so that you can start to see some larger ones.
Capricorn (12/21~1/20): Maybe you’re having to make some adjustments in your life and maybe you’re not happy about it. Growth means incorporating new ideas, attitudes, and vision. The old “tried ‘n true” may be holding you back. See a chiropractor if need be. Sun in Sag for you: get in touch with the god/dess within.
Aquarius (1/20~2/18): After a stressful weekend, get back in the groove. Career and community issues finally start flowing again. Whew! Late week: energize your engines! Engage, commit, assert – make a conscious choice to make something happen! Sun in Sag for you: develop your hopes, dreams and visions.
Pisces (2/18~3/20): Despite your occasional misgivings, your intuition can be uncannily accurate – but not always. Rather than ignore it or get lost in it, learn to use it. Get to know how your intuition works. Under what circumstances does it work better – or worse? Sun in Sag for you: you attract notice, if you will but shine.
Aries (3/20~4/20): Can’t “those people” do anything? Why is everybody trying to slow me down? “They” are all talk and no action. 4/11~14 Birthdays more so. Do something positive strenuously to ease your tension and achieve something of merit. Sun in Sag for you: power can be found in studying something that is “foreign” to you.
Taurus (4/20~5/21): Whoopee! Venus goes direct! Now, at long last, those relationships you’ve been trying to spark will ignite or go out completely. Either way, the waiting is over. Now then, once you’ve got it, what shall you do with it? It may not be as nice as you thought! Sun in Sag for you: money, sex & power issues.
Gemini (5/21~6/21): New concepts may sound fine, but check the details. Contrariwise, some will lose the big picture in a mass of minutia. Learn more re: religion, philosophy, and foreign cultures. Sun in Sag for you: relationships (biz & pers) teach you about yourself. What are “they” reflecting back to you?
Cancer (6/21~7/22): The Lunar Eclipse will highlight issues of creativity & romance as opposed to issues of your dreams and plans as well as your circles of friends. Emotions may run high – which can be a good thing. Harvest what you’ve sown and let go. Sun in Sag for you: health, diet and service issues. Problems with drainage and digestive tracts come to light.
Leo (7/22~8/23): Putting on weight lately? Likely that is “growth energy” misapplied to your body. You want to shine but feel, perhaps, that to take a risk you might look foolish. If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not learning. So. lighten up and, uh, lighten up. Sun in Sag for you: Creativity! Romance! Performance!
Virgo (8/23~9/23): The big picture can enlighten your sense of self. The meaning is more than the sum of the details. Find yourself “knowing” something you didn’t know you knew? That’s intuition and you’ve got it. Learn about it just by noticing when it’s there. Sun in Sag for you: home, family, & your deep sense of self.
Libra (9/23~10/23): Venus is direct! Your inner resources finally start to flow again, which may be reflected in outer resources (read: money!). Just eschew greediness. You ought to be thinking big about your plans for the future. Don’t skimp. Sun in Sag for you: networking, writing/speaking, and parties!
Charles Gould is based in Portland and may be reached at 874-1901 or IBChasm@yahoo.com for consultations on Career/Business, Relocations, Relationships, Life, Soul, & Spirit issues. He does natal charts as well as Transits & Progressions in person or by phone. He is available for talks and parties!