First: The Astrological Weather Affecting Us All:
*Mars enters Libra 10/15 until 12/1. Desire to take action in relationships of all sorts. Recall that a relationship is a two-way street – you must be received as well as receive the other. Strange bedfellows?
*Jupiter trine Pluto 10/17~12/28! at 16-18 Leo/Sag. The deeper the roots go, the higher the tree can grow. Expansion of your horizons, increase in power, or personal growth of any sort depend upon you being in integrity and connected to your inner-most self. Obstacles to Transformation by growth are removed, but so are the safety nets. Go on a Spirit Quest. Best if you can get it done before 30 Nov.
*Sun/Mercury/Uranus/Node mix it up 10/17~20. Questions of leadership and direction challenge groups, teams, or any organization. Old ways may no longer work in a changing world.
*Neptune turns direct at 8 of Aquarius 10/20. Spiritual issues that have been simmering within now get external expression. Anticipate plenty of idealisms, although not necessarily harmony among them. A man must not swallow more beliefs than he can digest. ~Joseph Conrad
*Full Moon at 28 Aries/Libra 10/21 at 3:20 am. The best relationship is one where each person freely relates to the other. Breathing room!
And Now, For your Sign this Week.
Aries (3/20~4/20): Take care of loose ends early week. Personal & business relationship issues come on the front burner. Find the middle between having it your way and “giving in”. Compromise isn’t a dirty word. Over-quick on the trigger? Ask questions first! Full moon tensions between self-expression and relationship issues.
Taurus (4/20~5/21): One part wants to buy or otherwise indulge big time. Another part says stay in and work. Find a balance! It may be rough sledding for the next few weeks, but keep your cool and things will eventually turn around. Take time to decide what you truly desire. Beware! You might get what you ask for!
Gemini (5/21~6/21): Heads up! This week likely will bring challenges in exams and homework. You may also find yourself giving or receiving hurtful truths. Either way, blowing it off won’t help. What, you think it should be easy? Buckle down early week because sudden erratic surprises come late week. At least it’s not boring!
Cancer (6/21~7/22): Early week: assert your independence in matters of intimacy. Mid-week: go with the flow, especially in spiritual issues. Escapist tendencies: avoid excess drugs/alcohol. Weekend: Come out charging! Great for competitions and stating your needs, but stifle the “control freak” thing.
Leo (7/22~8/23): Obstacles to better relations with friends, neighbors, and even siblings are removed. Probably it has to do with simply allowing yourself to BE yourself! Someone close may say or do the most surprising things! You may feel like zigging whilst others choose to zag. How freeing!
Virgo (8/23~9/23): Maybe “they” needed to hear your words of criticism. Maybe you needed to hear their pain. If you’re gonna dish it out, be prepared to “take it” as well. Intuition has its place you know. Pay attention to yours late week. Weekend: Rigidity test! If you’re too tight, a shock will come to loosen you up.
Libra (9/23~10/23): The urge to par-tay and the hard reality of responsibilities collide. May be tough to find a “nice” solution. You may be at odds with your honey early week. You may feel like you’re getting nowhere fast the next several weeks. Go back and review, revise, or rethink. Clearing up the past clears the way for the future.
Scorpio (10/23~11/22): Early week: grind it out. Use your remarkable staying power. Attention! From now until 11/16: take advantage of any growth opportunities, or other chances for expansion. Discover resources you never knew you had. Line up work or internships. Be prepared to come into your power.
Sagittarius (11/22~12/21): Feisty weekend and early week and then attractions of all sorts call you to over-indulge. But there are all those responsibilities when you come to. Oog! Alright – get cracking on a study abroad opportunity. What opportunity, you ask? Jeeze Louise – Make your own. C’mon! The time to act is now!
Capricorn (12/21~1/20): Go to the gym to work out your stifled anger. Yep, lessons can be a bitch, whether in or out of school. Yet it is by hanging tough that you become a master of what you are learning. The hard lessons are the ones you don’t forget. And, uh, by the way: not a great date weekend either-for you or anybody.
Aquarius (1/20~2/18): Being yourself can be such a breath of fresh air! But don’t waste independence on defying trivial rules. If you’re gonna fight something, fight your own damn limits. “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt.
Pisces (2/18~3/20): Digging deeper in your research unearths details that support your intuition. Digging deeper into your own psyche brings self-awareness. Early week: time spent in introspection. Later, act on what you’ve found. Writing best done 17th – 19th in peaceful and quiet surroundings.
Charles Gould is based in Portland and may be reached at for consultations on Career/Business, Relocations, Relationships, Life, Soul, & Spirit issues. He does natal charts as well as Transits & Progressions in person or by phone.