To the Editor:
I just wanted to say a couple things in regard to parking at USM. First of all, did anyone beside myself notice that the book-return policies that are stapled to your receipts at the USM bookstore were LAMINATED this year? Hmm … I wonder how much that cost with all those students buying all those books all summer and into fall? I find it almost humorous that the University can sneak high-priced parking decals into our student bill instead of looking for ways to cut unnecessary costs, and we get laminated book return policies. That is a bit ridiculous.
Now, here is my other gripe, or should I say, plea?! Parking sucks. That’s obvious. We must get out of bed 20 minutes earlier anticipating that we are going to have to drive around looking for a space to squeeze into and then run to class and hope we’re on time. Sometimes we get lucky and there is a spot, glowing, waiting for us to pull into. However, we can probably count those instances on a single hand. So here’s the deal. Everyone took Driver’s Ed, right? Okay, so when you pull into a spot at 8 a.m., how about you try to stay within the lines? (It’s kind of like learning to color.) It’s all about consideration. When you take up two parking spots to park because you are too lazy and inconsiderate of other people who may want one of those spots an hour later, you really piss people off! Even parking so your back left tire is over the line makes it difficult for those students who have, say, trucks. Now you are making their lives even more miserable. Seriously, people. Half of you who bitch about this same problem are also part of the problem. Be considerate. Learn how to park!
Kristin Hodgson
Senior, Criminology Major