To the Editor:
I just visited someone who lives in Phillipi Hall, the new dorm in Gorham. I’m not going to comment on the workmanship, but by all appearances the building outranks all other dorms at USM in comfort and hospitality. That is, if you overlook the copious amounts of cigarette butts that are accumulating around the front door.
Personally, that really bothers me – a lot. I realize there are a lot of over-sized children living in that dorm, but come on! Have some respect for your environment people! What a disgrace. People should learn to appreciate what they have a little more instead of trashing it with nasty cigarette butts. I pity the poor soul who has to pick them all up.
They really shouldn’t even be there in the first place. There are signs posted around the front door that say “NO SMOKING WITHIN 50 FEET OF THE BUILDING!” And if you are the least bit inquisitive you may ask, why isn’t smoking allowed directly outside the door? The answer: because there are people who would rather not inhale toxic smoke. Honestly, if you can’t respect the campus, at least have some respect for your peers.
And smokers wonder why people hate them! The proof is in the pudding – so to speak. People who litter the world and disregard non-smokers’ right to fresh air should wake up and take a look around. If any one would go take a look and imagine what the place will look like in 10 years if people don’t stop throwing their butts on the ground I’m sure they will see my point.The building was only opened last year, and the ground around the entryway is already a scary sight.
Well, I’ll spare you of any further ranting and raving. I just found that sight disgusting in more ways than one. I hope people who have read this letter can understand why.
Sarah Ferriter
USM Student