Tuesday, March 5
“The Thin Line,” one-woman play addressing eating disorders followed by a panel discussion, 2 p.m., Luther Bonney Auditorium. Sponsored by the Women’s Studies Student Organization. Free and open to the public, 780-4289.
“Life on the Run,” exercise and diet workshop free and open to the public, March 5, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Ice Arena Conference Room; 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. first floor, Philippi Hall. For registration or information call Robin at 780-5042.
GLBTQA Brown Bag Lunches, 12 to 1 p.m., every Tuesday through May 7, Boiler Room in Woodbury Campus Center, Portland, 228-8235.
Sing rounds and women-centered chants, Honors House basement, 102 Bedford St., Portland. 12 to 1 p.m. Tuesdays, free and open to the public, 780-4321.
Wednesday, March 6
World Affairs Council of Maine International Breakfast Briefing Series, “21st Century Intelligence and the Workings of Interpol,” Par A. Kettis, former Swedish ambassador and international consultant in intelligence and international business, 7 a.m., $20 public, $15 members, $12 students, FMI call 780-4551.
Panel discussion, “Towards a New Vision: Reforming the Recklessness of Welfare Reform,” featuring Portland Organization to Win Economic Rights leaders; author Diane Dujon; Dottie Stevens from the Massachusetts Welfare Rights Union; and Chris Hastedt from Maine Equal Justice, 4 to 6:30 p.m., Woodbury Campus Center Amphitheater, Portland, free and open to the public, 780-4120, 772-1200.
Excerpts from “The New Toyi Toyi” and “The Lion and the Iroko,” plays by visiting professor Chinyere Grace Okafor read by Assunta Kent’s theatre students, 6 p.m., Luther Bonney Auditorium, Portland, free and open to the public, 780-4289.
Lunch and Learn, Women’s Resource Center in conjunction with Mainely Parents, on Wednesdays from 12 to 1 p.m., Woodbury Campus Center. Free and open to everyone. FMI 780-4996.
Thursday, March 7
Semi-Formal, “The Best Is Yet to Come,” 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., Brooks Student Center, $10/$15 at the door, catered. First 50 tickets sold entered into dinner raffle. Proceeds to benefit the Portland Boys and Girls Club. For tickets and info, go to Residential Life, 100 Upton Hall, 780-5240.
2002 Dean’s Distinguished Scholar Lecture by Randall Kennedy from Harvard Law School, 12 p.m., Moot Courtroom, School of Law, Portland, free and open to the public, RSVP to Beth Wilkins, bwilkins@usm.maine.edu, 780-4344.
Friday, March 8
Multicultural Dinner to benefit the Portland English as a Second Language Scholarship Fund, featuring ethnic food and live performances by Sudanese, Congolese and Cambodian performers, 5:30 p.m., Woodbury Campus Center, Portland, $15, for reservations/information call 774-3164. To volunteer to help with the evening, contact Jessica at jzambran@usm.maine.edu, or 228-8024.
Gloria S. Duclos Convocation “Diaspora: Meanings of Home” two-day event, “Dreams and Realities of Franco-America,” showcasing contemporary creativity and scholarship of Franco-America in North America. Presentations include songs, storytelling, poetry and essay readings, films, and the First International Tourtiere Bake-off, Lewiston-Auburn College, 51 Westminster St., Lewiston, free and open to the public, FMI see http://www.usm.maine.edu/lac/convocation/ or contact Barry Rodrigue, rodrigue@usm.maine.edu, 753-6574.
“Into the Woods,” by Stephen Sondheim and James Levine, directed by Wil Kilroy with musical direction by Beth Barefoot-Jones, 7:30 p.m. on March 8 and 9 and 12 through 16; 5 p.m. on March 10 and 17, Main Stage, Russell Hall, Gorham, $12 public, $9 seniors/staff, $5 students, 780-5151. See story next page.
Saturday, March 9
Dharma talk and sand dispersal ceremony of Lobsang Samten’s sand mandala by Tibetan Monk Geshe Lobzang Tsetan, 1 p.m., Art Gallery, Gorham, dispersal ceremony will take place in Westbrook on the Presumpscot River, donation, 780-5009.
“Dreams and Realities of Franco-America,” see FRIDAY listing.
Gloria S. Duclos Convocation “Diaspora: Meanings of Home” concert, “Rembetika, The Greek Blues,” DEPTAM Ensemble of Mytilene, Greece, pre-concert lecture/demonstration by Gail Holst-Warhaft at 7 p.m., concert at 8:30 p.m., Corthell Concert Hall, Gorham, $10 public, $7 seniors/staff, $5 students, 780-5555. See story next page.
U2 laser show, USM Southworth Planetarium laser show, 8:30 p.m., see full listing under ONGOING.
Sunday, March 10
Film about the struggles of gay and lesbian Orthodox Jews, “Trembling Before G-d,” a discussion led by Howard M. Solomon, scholar-in-residence for USM’s Gay and Lesbian Archives, will follow the screening, 8 p.m., The Movies, 10 Exchange St., Portland, FMI 228-8235.
Women’s Film Makers Forum: “A Letter Without Words and Shadows of Memory,” followed by a panel discussion on “Perceptions of Reality: History, Memory, and Truth,” noon, Portland Museum of Art, Free St., FMI call 780-4289.
Second Sunday Lecture, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, Merle Nelson from Seeds of Peace will discuss building bridges between diverse peoples and describe conflict management techniques used by the camp, 4 p.m., Luther Bonney Auditorium, Portland, free and open to the public, 780-4406.
Public skating at the USM Ice Arena, Gorham, 9:30 to 10:45 a.m., Monday-Friday, call for Sunday hours, $4 public/staff, $2 under 18, under 6 free, 780-5991.
USM Southworth Planetarium astronomy shows, 7 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays; laser shows, 8:30 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays; children’s shows 3 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays; star shows $4.50 adults, $3.50 children/seniors/students; laser shows $5 adults, $4 children/students; matinees $3.50 per person, http://www.usm.maine.edu/planet, 780-4249.
“When Horses Have Wings: Tibetan Artists in Exile,” 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday-Friday, 1 to 4 p.m., Saturday, Art Gallery, Gorham, through March 9. Free and open to the public, 780-5009. Tibetan Buddhist artist Lobsang Samten will be making a mandala from colored grains of sand in the gallery during the first two weeks of the exhibit.
“Exodus and Exile: The Spaces of Diaspora,” part of the Gloria S. Duclos Convocation “Diaspora: Meanings of Home.”12:30 to 4:30 p.m., Tuesdays-Thursdays; 6 to 8 p.m., Wednesdays and Thursdays; 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturdays. Through Jan. 5, 2003 at the Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education in the Glickman Family Library, free and open to the public, call for information and to confirm hours, 780-4850.
“A Strangeness of Beauty: Recent Paintings, “featuring the work of USM Artist-in-Residence Margaret Lanzetta, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday-Thursday; 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday; Area Gallery, Woodbury Campus Center, Portland, through March 22. Free and open to the public, 780-5009/4090.
“Robert Doisneau’s Paris,” over 100 photographs of Paris during the mid-20th century by the legendary French shutterbug, through March 24. Portland Museum of Art, 7 Congress Sq., Portland. FMI, 775-6148.
If you have an event to be considered for Destinations, e-mail your press release to freepress@usm.maine.edu, or fax it to 780-4085.