Flowers, candy and cards, signed, sealed and delivered.
It’s that time of the month. The holiday that has a love/hate relationship with society. Valentine’s Day.
Girls fantasize what their boyfriend will give them, or frantically worry whether or not they’ll have a date by Feb. 14. Guys debate what to do for their girlfriends, while others complain about that sappy “chick stuff” they’ll be committed to for the evening.
It’s a holiday that has no in-between. People either love it because they’ve always had a good one, or they totally despise it due to a bad episode.
“Ugh, Valentine’s Day,” grunted Ian Corteau, junior political science and English major. “Three years ago on the evening before V-day, my girlfriend broke up with me. It was definitely the worst Valentine’s Day I’ve had. I had already made reservations at Snow Squal, a five-star restaurant, two months before, and I had made arrangements to have flowers delivered to her. What really pissed me off was that she didn’t even tell me herself, she gave me a note. It completely tore my heart out.”
There are some that haven’t had a perfect holiday or disappointment, but have been completely humiliated.
“Yeah, I’ve had a pretty embarrassing Valentine’s Day before,” said freshman economics major Greg Blackler. “In junior high I gave this girl $15 chocolates and expected to hook up with her later at a movie in return. But when I went to put the moves on, she ran off with my chocolates. I was pissed. I wasted $15, sat through a chick flick with Julia Roberts in it and didn’t even get a kiss!”
But don’t worry girls, not all guys are insensitive and expect to get some by the end of the night. Some really do plan a romantic evening.
Matt Butler, an undeclared freshman, who said he isn’t big on being romantic, tuned in to his feminine side last year and had a romantic night.
“I took my girlfriend out to dinner and then to the beach to watch the sunset, with a bottle of champagne last year. It was cold outside, so we sat together cuddled up in a blanket. It is definitely the most sentimental Valentine’s Day I have had, and most challenging because I’m not really a sweet guy.”
So Valentine’s Day is three days away. For those that don’t have a special someone for the evening yet, don’t stress it! Just because you don’t have a date doesn’t mean you have to stay home and sulk all night.
Not having a date on Valentine’s Day is always a good reason for girls to get together and have a chick night, or for the guys to sit around together and get drunk while talking about girls.
Whether you’ve got a date or not, just be sure to make the best of it and still have fun!
Staff Writer Aimee Risteen can be contacted at: