Diaspora lecture “The Diaspora as a Blessing in Disguise? Sephardic Trade Networks in the 16th and 17th Centuries,” by Willem Klooster, reception and lecture to celebrate the opening of the exhibit “Exodus and Exile: The Spaces of Diaspora” (see Ongoing). Reception at 6 p.m., lecture at 6:30 p.m., fourth floor, Glickman Family Library. Free and open to the public, 780-4850.
Islam lecture “Islam and the West: Challenges in the 21st Century,” USM Associate Professor of Political Science Mahmud Faksh, 5-7 p.m., King Middle School, Deering and Park Avenues, Portland. World Affairs Council of Maine After Hours, FMI 780-5383.
Conserve “Energy Conservation Begins with You,” Alexander Lee, Room 1, Payson Smith Hall, 7:30 p.m. Free, 780-4962.
Hurry up and relax Yoga beginning Thursday, Jan. 31, Multi Purpose Room, Sullivan Gym 6:30-8 p.m. Lifeline members, $80, general public, $85, USM faculty/staff, $80. REGISTER BY THURSDAY, JAN. 24. For more information, call Lifeline at 780-4170.
Brown bag it GLBTQA Brown Bag Lunches, 12-1 p.m., every Tuesday through May 7, Woodbury Campus Center, Portland, 228-8235.
Group sing Sing rounds and women-centered chants, Honors House basement, 102 Bedford St., Portland. 12-1 p.m., Tuesdays. Free and open to the public, 780-4321.
World of men “Men and Masculinities in Global Arenas,” R.W. Connell, University of Sydney, Australia, 2:15 p.m. Room 113, Masterton Hall. Free and open to the public, 780-4753.
Talk about it Bisexuality Panel Discussion, 6 p.m., Rooms B&C, Woodbury Campus Center, Portland, free and open to the public, 228-8235.
Womenin Africa Lecture, “What Do We Mean by a ‘Women’s Movement?’ Unearthing Its Dynamics Within An African Setting,” Fulbright Scholar-In-Residence Amy Shupikai Tsanga, 1-2:30 p.m., Room 1, Payson Smith Hall, Portland, free and open to the public, 780-4289.
Martin Luther King Jr. celebration Lecture, “Overcoming Racism,” Roy Partridge, followed by an interactive community service activity co-sponsored by AmeriCorps, 1 p.m., Woodbury Campus Center Amphitheater, Portland, free and open to the public, 228-8024.
Reception from 4-7 p.m. and 6 p.m. gallery talk by Dana Sawyer from Maine College of Art to celebrate the opening of the exhibit “When Horses Have Wings: Tibetan Artists in Exile” (see below), Art Gallery, Gorham, free and open to the public, 780-5009.
Exhibit “When Horses Have Wings: Tibetan Artists in Exile,” 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Tuesday-Friday, 1-4 p.m., Saturday, Art Gallery, Gorham, through March 9. Free and open to the public, 780-5009. Tibetan Buddhist artist Lobsang Samten will be making a mandala from colored grains of sand in the gallery during the first two weeks of the exhibit.
Trombone Choir directed by Mark Manduca, 7:30 p.m., Corthell Concert Hall, Gorham, free and open to the public, 780-5555.
Sexuality lecture “The Sin That Knows No Name: Looking for the History of Sexuality,” Howard Solomon, 7 p.m., Rooms ABC, Woodbury Campus Center, Portland, reception to follow. Free and open to the public, 780-4284.
Business baby “New Ventures and Venture Capital: Dealing with the Current Environment,” MIT Enterprise Forum satellite broadcast, 7-9 p.m., Room 303, Payson Smith Hall, Portland, free and open to the public, register with Bob Lindquist, 839-8069.
Exhibit opens “Robert Doisneau’s Paris,” Portland Museum of Art, 7 Congress Sq., Portland. FMI, 775-6148.
Get in the Zone Open Safe Zone Project Orientation, 2-4 p.m., Room B, Woodbury Campus Center, Portland, RSVP to sholmes@usm.maine.edu.
Play, again “The Good Woman of Setzuan,” by Bertolt Brecht, directed by Minor Rootes, 7:30 p.m., Russell Hall, Gorham, $10 public, $7 seniors/staff, $5 students, 780-5151. After this weekend’s second run of the production, the cast and crew are bound for regional competition at the Kennedy Center’s annual American College Theater Festival at Keene State College, Keene, N.H. Best of luck!
Residency Jack Stamp, band conductor. Featuring workshops, rehearsals and a concert with community and USM groups, USM School of Music, through Friday, Feb. 1 FMI, 773-3150.
Song and dance “Libana,” all-women ensemble, The Chocolate Church Arts Center, 798 Washington St., Bath. 7:30 p.m., $16/$18, 442-8455.
Last chance to see “The Good Woman of Setzuan,” by Bertolt Brecht, directed by Minor Rootes, 7:30 p.m., Russell Hall, Gorham, $10 public, $7 seniors/staff, $5 students, 780-5151.
Piano concert “Mozart at the Keyboard,” Michiko Otaki with the Portland Symphony Orchestra, Merrill Auditorium, 2:30 p.m., $30/$24/$18, tickets through PortTix 842-0800 or online at www.portlandsymphony.com.
Auditions “Maggie and the Magic Hat,” original musical, Centre of Movement School of Performing Arts, 19 State St., Gorham. Singers and actors, 1-3 p.m., dancers, 3:30-4:30 p.m. FMI, contact Vicki Lloyd at 839-3267.
Public skating at the USM Ice Arena, Gorham, 9:30-10:45 a.m., Monday-Friday, call for Sunday hours, $4 public/staff, $2 under 18, under 6 free, 780-5991.
USM Southworth Planetarium astronomy shows, 7 p.m., Fridays & Saturdays; laser shows, 8:30 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays; children’s shows 3 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays; star shows $4.50 adults, $3.50 children/seniors/students; laser shows $5 adults, $4 children/students; matinees $3.50 per person, http://www.usm.maine.edu/planet, 780-4249.
Display of pop-up books, through Thursday, January 31, for hours of operation see http://library.usm.maine.edu/hours.html, fourth floor of the Glickman Family Library, Portland, free and open to the public, 780-4269.
Memorial Exhibit, “Marcia Wislin Carner: In Memorium,” 8 a.m.-10 p.m., Monday-Thursday; 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Friday; 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday; through Monday, February 4. Area Gallery, Woodbury Campus Center, Portland, free and open to the public, 780-5009/4090.
Exhibit of paintings and drawings “Of Reveries and Myths: New Work by Anthony Shostak,” through Saturday, March 2, Atrium Gallery, Lewiston-Auburn College, 51 Westminster St., Lewiston, free and open to the public, for hours go to http://www.usm.maine.edu/lac/art; or call 753-6554/753-6500.
If you have an event to be considered for Destinations, e-mail your press release to freepress@usm.maine.edu, or fax it to 780-4085.