The Student Senate is not the only elected board on campus.
The Residential Hall Association (RHA) on the Gorham campus is a 14-member group of residents elected by their peers to work on improving life in the residence halls. The board also plans fundraisers for dorm functions and discusses various campus issues.
For convenience, Portland Hall has its own RHA.
The Gorham RHA met last Monday night at 9:30. The board talked about an ice hockey fundraiser and about placing an ad in The Free Press, which was agreed upon at a cost of $75.
Also discussed was the possibility of extended desk hours in the dorms. Some of the members of the association believe extended desk hours would lessen theft.
Board members talked about how students could benefit from special interest housing, which would allow people with the same interest to live on the same floor. They also talked about a core survey for students to fill out.
“The current elected RHA members have shown a high level of commitment,” said Denise Nelson, assistant director of Residential Life. “An effective RHA can serve many purposes on campus.”
The USM RHAs are part of the National Association of College and University Residence Halls. NACURH was founded in 1954 and has since split into eight regions. Maine is part of the Northeast Association of College and University Residence Halls.
The RHA meets every Monday night at 9:30.
Staff Writer Missy Remillard can be contacted at: