Get ready for some football. Monday night football with an all-you-can-eat appetizer buffet. $5. The Well, 369 Forest Ave., Portland. 828-1778.
Associate with pagan students. The Pagan Students Association meets at 6 p.m. Husky Hut, Gorham. For information, email or call Janine, 856-2612.
Get control. The Portland Tenants Union holds a panel discussion of rent control. King Middle School Auditorium, 92 Deering St., Portland. 7 p.m. Free. 774-9393.
Go into the woods. “Private Lands-Public Values,” a lecture series on the future of Maine forest land features “Protecting the Working Forest,” with Kent Wommack of The Nature Conservancy and Allen Hutchinson of the Forest Society of Maine. Woodbury Campus Center, Rooms ABC, Portland. 7-9 p.m. Free and open to the public. 780-5361.
Meet the artist. Portland Public Library’s Brown Bag Lunch series presents Dahlov Ipcar, a Maine artist, author, and illustrator whose works are currently on display at the Portland Museum of Art. Rines Auditorium, Portland Public Library, 5 Monument Sq. 12-1 p.m. Free and open to the public.
Check out the view. “Watershed Views,” art exhibition. Ecological and aesthetic observations of local waters in various media by artist-scientist teams Aviva Rahmani and Irwin Novak; Jan Piribeck, Gary Green and Chris Hoffman; Michael Shaughnessy and Rob Sanford. Plus a 40-foot participatory watershed map by Carolyn Eyler and Roberta Hill.
Opening reception, 5-7 p.m. Art Gallery, 37 Gorham Ave., Gorham. 780-5008.
Motivate. Local Motives, WMPG’s live local music show features Perpetual Motion Machine. Band website: 90.9 and 104.1 FM. 7:30 p.m.
Dance to the beat. Rumbafrica, a Congolese rumba band plays African Dance Friday. Center for Cultural Exchange, 1 Longfellow Square, Portland. 8 p.m. $12 day of show, $9 advance.
Have a ball. The Fifth Annual Great Pumpkin Ball, presented by the Maine Diversity Alliance and Maine Lesbian/Gay Political Alliance. Costume contest and parade, prizes, DJ Aimsel Ponti. 8 p.m.-12 a.m. Eastland Park Ballroom, 157 High St., Portland. Tickets available at Drop Me a Line, Portland and Bread and Roses, Ogunquit. $12 in advance, $16 at the door.
Eat, don’t kill. Food Not Bombs serves free food every Sunday afternoon. Monument Square, Portland, 2 p.m.-4:20 p.m.
Mind the undertow. Alan Magee: Undercurrents. Sculptures, monotypes, paintings, collages. The Atrium Gallery, USM Lewiston-Auburn College, Runs through Oct. 27.
Check out the digs. Open House: Tonee Harbert. Open House is a series of eight exhibitions featuring new photographic works inspired by the McLellan-Sweat House and L.D.M. Sweat Memorial Galleries. Tonee Harbert’s work is the second exhibition in the series. Portland Museum of Art, 7 Congress Square, Portland. Runs through Oct. 28. 775-6148.
Be quick on the draw. Drawn to the Figure: Works by Sigmund Abeles. Runs through Dec. 2. Portland Museum of Art, 7 Congress Square, Portland. 775-6148.
Hit the road. Road Maps: The American Way. Runs through Thursday, Dec. 20 at The Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education, Glickman Family Library, Portland. Free and open to the public. For hours, call 780-4850.
Make like Shakespeare. Seeking plays for Short & NEAT One Act Festival. The New England Academy of Theatre (NEAT) will be accepting submissions for the 2002 (fourth) edition of the Short & NEAT One-Act Play Writing Competition. Winning submissions will receive a production at NEAT’s Short & NEAT One-Act Festival, June 2002. Open to New England residents only. Plays must be 20 minutes or shorter and submitted in play format by Nov. 30, 2001. Entries should be addressed to NEAT Administrative Offices, 3013 Dixwell Ave., Hamden CT 06518, Attn: Short & NEAT Y2K. Include SASE if play is to be returned. For additional information call (203) 281-6115 or go to
If you have an event to be considered for Destinations, send your press release to The Free Press, Destinations, P.O. Box 9300, Portland, ME 04104 or fax us at 780-4085.