USM has a lot riding on the next election.
President Richard Pattenaude and Vice President for Student Development Craig Hutchinson spoke to the Student Senate, reminding them about Question Six on the upcoming ballot.
Question Six is a proposal for a $36 million grant for Maine higher education.
$8 million would go to USM.
Pattenaude said this money would allow the construction of a 500-seat lecture hall, a new student center and a 12,000-car parking garage.
He also emphasized how imperative it is for students to vote, especially on an issue that hits this close to home.
Pattenaude also requested the aid of the Senate in considering moderation of next year’s budget. On July 1, 2002, University health care costs are projected to increase $3 to $4 million, a 45 percent increase.
In order to alleviate the problem without increasing cost of tuition, some parts of the 2002-2003 budget will have to be cut.
A worthy cause
Portland Events Board Representative John Taylor presented plans for a USM-sponsored national crisis benefit concert.
“I have seen a lot of benefits on a smaller scale but I have not yet seen one bring together the southern Maine community. I think this will do just that,” said Taylor.
Slated for Oct. 13, the concert will feature local bands, comedians and speakers.
The event will run from noon to 10 that evening. Local media, including local radio station WCYY and news stations will cover the event.
Taylor expressed the need for volunteer event coordinators as well as show workers. Interested parties should contact 874-6598.
G-TV discussions, again
Gorham Television discussions continued this week. Last week, the Senate formed a task force to look into a use agreement between the Senate and Student Life. The agreement will detail expectations between the Senate and G-TV during the operation of the channel.
Commuter Sen. Justin LaBerge said a use agreement is good for all parties involved. “Getting the rules on the table is good for us and for G-TV,” he said. “It is good for work-study students unaware of litigation and public standards.” He urged the Senate to “move forward by having some rules in place.”
The Senate moved that Senate Chair Marcy Muller sign the use agreement.
The Senate also thought the student-run television station should move. A unanimous vote was made to write a letter to Gorham Student Life, urging movement of G-TV out of its current location and into the Husky Hut.
Senator resignation
The Senate acknowledged a letter of resignation subjected by Student Senator Tiffany Cumming.
Resident Sen. Melissa LaChance, Resident Sen. Mark Royer, At-Large Sen. Jonathan Crasnick, Commuter Sen. Jeanette Burns
Next meeting
The next meeting of the Student Senate will be at 9:30 a.m. Friday Oct. 5 in the Hastings Formal Lounge, Gorham. All are encouraged to attend.
Staff Writer Alex Steed can be contacted at: