Lecture, “Healthy Eating . Make it Your Choice!” noon to 1 p.m., Ice Arena Alumni Reception Center, Gorham; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., Woodward Hall Lounge, Gorham. 780-5041.
Kotzschmar organ “Bach Birthday Bash,” from noon to 7:30 p.m., Merrill Auditorium, 20 Myrtle St., Portland. Donation of $7, 842-0800.
Open mic night with Steve Kessler, Sierra’s Bar and Grill, 2 School St., Gorham. 839-3500.
Red Rocking Chair with Joshua Eden, Chan, Jeri Theriault and Chris Andrew, 8 p.m., The Skinny, 625 Congress St., Portland. 21+, $5. 871-8983.
Seminar, “The Chemical Weapons Convention and the Biological Toxin Weapons Convention: Where are We and What do They Involve?” with Barbara Price, Applied Science and Analysis, Inc., 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Room C, Woodbury Campus Center, Portland. 780-4612.
Workshop, “Defending Yourself,” with Jim Daniels, manager of Sexual Assault Services, 7 p.m., Hastings Formal Lounge, Gorham. Sponsored by the Greek Women’s Council and the Women’s Studies Program.
Jeff Beck plays his guitar at 7:30 p.m. at the State Theatre, 609 Congress St., Portland. Tickets are $32.50 and available at the State Theatre box office and all Ticketmaster locations, or call 775-3331.
Lecture, “20 Years: Sculpture, Installation, and Performative Works,” with Eve Andr?e Laram?e, USM artist-in-residence, 7 p.m., Luther Bonney Auditorium, Portland. 780-5008.
“Worldquest 2001,” World Affairs Council of Maine international trivia competition, 6 p.m., DeLorme, Rt. 1, Falmouth, $35 public, $25 WAC members. Registration required. 780-5383.
Lecture, “Artist-Made Multiples from Duchamp to Fluxus to the Internet,” with with Eve Andr?e Laram?e, USM artist-in-residence, 11 a.m., Burnham Lounge, Robie Andrews Hall, Gorham campus. 780-5008.
Shane MacGowan and The Popes perform at 8 p.m., the State Theatre, 18-plus. Tickets available at the State Theatre box office and all Ticketmaster locations, or call 775-3331.
Sudanese singer Kembe and Congolese drummer Bernard Tshimangoley host a Sudanese dance party at 8 p.m., Center for Cultural Exchange, One Longfellow Square, Portland. Tickets are $5. 761-0591.
Munjoy Hill Society and The Shelley Winters Project perform at 9 p.m., The Skinny. Tickets are $6, 21-plus.
Maine Arts presents John Gorka, Ellis Paul and Carol Noonan performing at 8 p.m., the State Theatre, Portland. Tickets are $20, 772-9012.
DJ Nicotine spins dance music every Sunday at 9:30 p.m., the Alehouse, 30 Market St., Portland. 21+ no cover. 253-5100.
“Andrew Wyeth: Her Room,” works by Andrew Wyeth, Bates College Museum of Art, Lewiston. Showing through March 30.
“Youth Art Month,” featuring more than 100 works by students of all grades from across Maine, Portland Museum of Art. Showing through April 1. Free with USM ID.
“Tomb of the Warrior Housewives,” a multimedia installation by Donald Talbot, Elements Gallery, 190 Danforth St., Portland. Shows through April 7. 761-2190.
“Dublin: A Work in Progress,” black and white photographs of Dublin by Colin Malakie, Center for Cultural Exchange, One Longfellow Square, Portland. Shows through April 21. 761-0591.
“`If He Hollers, Let Him Go,’: Dismantling Black Caricature,” a compilation of photographs, advertisements, and visual objects from the Gerald E. Talbot and Shoshana Hoose Collections of the African American Archives of Maine, fourth floor, Glickman Family Library. Showing through April 30. For library hours see
Cartographic exhibit, “Road Maps: The American Way,” The Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education in the Glickman Family Library, Portland. Call for hours, 780-4850.
“Domestic Culture: the Home in Visual Culture,” Institute of Contemporary Art at the Maine College of Art, 522 Congress St., Portland. Shows through May 2. 775-5098.
L/A Arts 12th Annual Exhibit and Auction, featuring works from 60 Maine artists, opening from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., March 22. Auction evening is May 5 and last day of exhibit, Atrium Gallery, Lewiston-Auburn College, 51 Westminster St., Lewiston. Auction proceeds benefit L/A Arts and the artists, 753-6554.
“Local Color: Six Contemporary Photographers,” featuring more than 40 works by six of Maine’s prominent photographers working in color: Paul D’Amato, Tanja Alexia Hollander, Jocelyn Lee, Rose Marasco, Melville McLean, and Scott Peterman, Portland Museum of Art. Showing through May 13. Free with USM ID.
recreation/ health
Women-centered chants and singing, noon to 1 p.m. of the first, third and fifth Tuesdays, and the second and fourth Wednesdays each month, except vacation and finals weeks, Basement Classroom, Honor’s House, 102 Bedford St., Portland. 780-4321.
Public skating, USM Ice Arena, Gorham. $4 public/staff, $2 under 18, under 6 free. Call 780-5991 for hours.
Astronomy shows, 7 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays; laser shows, 8:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays; children’s shows, 3 p.m. Saturdays. USM Southworth Planetarium, Portland. Star shows, $3.50 students; laser shows, $4 students. 780-4249.
events/ meetings
“Sound Ideas,” a seven-minute program featuring thoughts and ideas presented by USM faculty, airing at 11:30 a.m. and 8:30 p.m., returns to WMPG 90.9 and 104.1 FM through April 6. The program can also be heard on the Web at
GLBTQA brown bag lunches are held from noon to 1 p.m. every Tuesday in Woodbury Campus Center, Room A or boiler room, Portland. Social dinners are held from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., Mondays, Faculty Dining Room, Gorham. FMI: call 228-8235 or email Sarah at
Alliance for Sexual Diversity Student Group meetings, 4 to 5 p.m., Wednesdays, Room A, Woodbury Campus Center. FMI: 874-6596.