10$/hr GUARANTEED Work on campus F/T or P/T for as little as 5-10hrs/wk or as many as 40 hrs/wk. Be your own boss. Create your own schedule Limited positions. Call 1-800-808-7442×80
Fraternities-Sororities-Clubs-Student Groups!
Earn $1000-$2000 this quarter with the easy Campusfundraiser.com three hour fundraising event. No sales required. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so call today! Contact Campusfundraiser.com at (888)923-3238, or visit www.campusfundraiser.com
Earn $$$ promoting artists like Nine Inch Nails, Limp Bizkit, Eminem, Fiona Apple, and Bt within the Portland area. No experience necessary. Visit www.noizepollution.com for more info or call (800) 996-1816.
Help Wanted
USM Child Care Services, Portland USM Child Care Services has the following positions available. Please contact Jennifer Spear, Child Care Services, 96 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04104-9300
Work Study Positions
We have several positions available for the 2000-2001 academic year/summer. Flexible hours; we are open from 7:30-5:30 M-F. Whatever your major, if you like to work with young children, we have a job for you in our infant, toddler or preschool classrooms.
NON- Work Study Positions
Substitute Teachers
We are looking for students to substitute in classrooms, working with children six weeks to five years of age. Pay range $6.30-$9.45 per hour depending on experience/ qualifications. Flexible Hours. Experience working with children preferred.
Spring Break
Still Available! Deluxe Hotels, Reliable Air, Free Food, Drinks and Parties! Cancun, Jamaica, Bahamas, Mazatlan and Florida. Travel Free and Earn Cash! Do it on the Web! Go to www. StudentCity.com or call 1-800-293-1443 for more info.
Spring Break
– Nassau/ Paradise Island, Cancun and Jamaica from $449. Air, Hotel, Transfers, Parties and More! Organize small group-earn FREE trips plus commissions! Call 1-800-GET-SUN-1
Got Brains? Need Cash? THE PRINCETON REVIEW seeks bright, enthusiastic people to teach SAT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT &MCAT courses near you. No experience necessary, but high scores a must! $18-$23/hour. Hours are flexible. Interviews start immediately! Call 1-800-2-REVIEW
10$/hr GUARANTEED Work on campus F/T or P/T for as little as 5-10hrs/wk or as many as 40 hrs/wk. Be your own boss. Create your own schedule Limited positions. Call 1-800-808-7442×80
Spring Break! Last Minute Deals! Cancun, Bahamas, Florida, Jamaica and Mazatlan. Join MTV and Baywatch for Spring Break! Call for a free brochure and ask how you can organize a small group and Eat, Drink, Travel Free and Earn Cash! Call 1-888-777-4642 or email sales@suncoastvacations.com