Today, April 22, is Earth Day. The day on which our Instagram feed is filled with images of the best sunsets, hikes, and waterfalls that we keep in our camera rolls. The day where we choose to eat vegan and bike to work. The day we all try our very best to be kinder to…
Author: USM Free Press
Common Thought Traps and Emotional Difficulties during COVID 19
We at Counseling Services wanted to bring some awareness to common themes we have noticed during the COVID-19 pandemic and some ideas of how to manage them. So go ahead and keep reading – you might be surprised how much you relate and you may learn some good strategies to manage these feelings. Loneliness People…
People of USM: Libby Bischof & the Osher Map Library
Libby Bischof is the university’s Executive Director for the Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education, located in the Glickman Library on the Portland campus, a comprehensive archive that allows free public access to five centuries of cartographic materials. “It’s amazing that USM has this place,” she said. “I mean, we have half…
Support local in Maine! Women Run Businesses and stores in Portland and beyond
Even though Women’s History Month is over, we can still support them and empower as all women-run businesses have increased in numbers in the past few years. Below is a list of women-led businesses in Maine that can be supported. Supporting local businesses is very important because it helps bring back money for the economy…
Movie Talk : the Magnificent Seven
By: Isiah Leach, Staff Writer The film The Magnificent Seven, which was released in 2016, is one of your classic western cowboy movies. The plot involves the antagonist taking control of a town, which leads the town to hire a group of people to save them from him. While overall it is good and has…
People of USM: Emily Brazee and Creating Your Own Path
Life after high school doesn’t always mean college comes next. Some students choose to go the traditional route and jump immediately into a university, some choose to take a gap year, and some may even choose to take a few classes a semester while working full or part-time jobs. Emily Brazee didn’t think she would…
Positive COVID-19 tests surge across the University of Maine System
By Haley Hersey, Staff Writer As warmer weather approaches, the COVID-19 pandemic is still here, which is evident as positive test results surge throughout Maine and the University of Maine System. Efforts to continue learning in settings as close to normal are underway, as the spread of vaccines continues. However, decreases in weekly tests campus-wide…
Working on Wellness – USM Counseling Team
The USM Counseling team is concerned about the care we provide for all our students, our USM community and the larger community. We are a group of 15 and we are mostly white clinicians, and mostly female with three men on our team, one man is African American, and the other two men are white,…
The Lowdown on COVID-19 Vaccination
COVID-19. This word conjures up a lot: disruption, fear, anxiety, limitations, 6 feet apart, masks, no gatherings, social distancing, no hugs or hanging out with friends, and for many death and loss. The fight is not over. Vaccination is one way to arrest this virus and return to some normalcy. To reach safe levels of…
People of USM: Kayla Hoggard on how her Stars Aligned
Learning about yourself and growing as a person is one of the most important parts of the college experience. With a student’s transition into independence, there are trials and tribulations involved, but the end product is a person who better understands themselves, how they think, how they learn, and how they interact with the world…
Husky Heroes of the Month
Three very important factors to making a Division III Athletics program successful are the players, coaches, and administrators. Without these pillars, the University of Southern Maine wouldn’t have the successful program it does. In honor of Women’s History Month, The Free Press wanted to highlight and honor three individuals who work, coach, and play in…
Checking out the Feminist Bookshelf – Past Newsletters, Papers, and Organizations Giving Voices to the Feminist Movement
Happy Women’s History Month. As we enter the month to honor the bold, powerful women of the 21st century, it is important to feature stories and platforms that showcase women of color, the queer community, and anyone who identifies as a woman. In 2021, the feminist movements that have been front and center include but…
People of USM: Bernadette Esposito & the flight that changed it all
Bernadette Esposito grew up in the suburbs of Chicago in Wheaton and Downers Grove and attended The Evergreen State College, a small liberal arts college in Olympia, WA. She received her MFA from the University of Iowa and has taught in California and Wyoming. She’s been in Maine for seven years; After five years of…
Financial Effects of the Pandemic on College Students
By Haley Hersey, Staff Writer The COVID-19 pandemic has unprecedented mental, emotional, and financial adverse effects on lives. The implications of the effects of the pandemic are being talked about more frequently, but often college students are being left out of the discussion. With stimulus packages being presented to Congress that support families and dependents,…
People of USM: Nat Ives and the USM Production Lab
Tucked between the Sullivan Gym and the empty shell of the Woodbury Campus Center sits a building that goes relatively unnoticed. If you don’t know what you’re looking for, it blends right into the gym, and you would never think it’s the home for a whole media studies major, as it sits within that little…
Changes for Now and Tomorrow: How Students Have Adapted to the Pandemic
Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, how and where we spend our time has been a national conversation and collective experience. Our work, academic, and leisure environments have all been impacted by the pandemic. Members of the diverse USM community have adapted to these changes, finding new ways of living that enable them to make the most…
Movie Talk : Tenet
Byline: Isiah Leach, Staff Writer Longtime great director Christopher Nolan’s newest movie, Tenet, was one of the movies that was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic last year. It was delayed three times before finally being released in certain theaters on Sept. 3, 2020. Before I go into reviewing this movie, I will give my…
Researchers Conduct Study of Maine’s Alternative Sentencing Program
By Haley Hersey, Staff Writer Director of Justice Policy Program at the Muskie Institute, George Shaler, is one of the researchers and authors of a first-of-its-kind study regarding the use of alternative sentencing in Maine. The Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault and Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence approached Shaler and some colleagues, wanting to…
Continuing to Cope a Year into COVID-19
While it has gone by quickly for some, slowly for others, and somehow both for many, it has been a year since lockdowns for COVID-19 first began. After a year of change and adversity it’s time to take stalk of how we are taking care of ourselves, how we have adapted, and how we have…
Small Space Depression – Break the Funk, Go for a Walk & Clean your Room
Welcome to the first third of the semester, as students enter their seventh week of the Spring semester, we all sort of fall into this funk. Winter is straggling on, despite what the groundhog said, and the cool winds of Maine make it bitter to be outside. This causes students to be stuck inside their…
Celebrating Black History Month: Intercultural Student Engagement Center Hosts Events to Amplify Black Voices
By: Kayley Weeks, Staff Writer This year, the Intercultural Student Engagement (ISE) Center has organized a variety of events for students to celebrate Black History Month. “Black History Month is about history and the future, and connecting the roots where we come from, to see where we are going. We need to recognize not only past…
People of USM: Elise Hanley
By: Asher Close, Staff Writer Elise Hanley is a junior studying biochemistry at USM. She is a Lead Resident Assistant (LRA) in Upton Hastings, and a TRIO Student Support Services peer mentor, a guidance figure helping students who struggle with getting acclimated to college. Upon arriving at USM, Elise, who likes to go by El, was…
American Heart Month
February 2021 marked the 57th year that the United States has celebrated American Heart Month. Trivia Point: President Lyndon Johnson, who had heart disease, proclaimed it as such and although significant strides have been made since 1964, heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death in the United States and worldwide. It is never too…
A Powerful Advocate for Representation: Hussein Maow hopes to be voice for change on campus
By: Cullen McIntyre, Editor-in-Chief Representation matters, for everyone. This simple yet profound idea of representation and inclusion is exactly what sophomore Hussein Maow is passionate about. As the current Student Body Vice-President, political science and finance double-major and former Director of Racial Equity and Inclusion, Maow’s efforts on campus have been incredibly important. “I am able…