Learn About Maine Needs and All They Do
By Caydince Bumpus | Community Editor

In 2019, Maine Needs started up as a Facebook group in an attempt to make it easier for people who needed to gain access to resources. As a result of the community and the lack of basic needs being met for a good majority of people, the donation center, located right next to the University of Southern Maine’s Portland Commons, opened in 2020. Maine Needs is an organization that runs on volunteers and donors. It is purely fueled by the kindness of other people’s hearts. Not only does this organization help the people of Portland, but they help all over the state, all 16 counties.
Maine Needs partners with caseworkers, teachers, nurses, outreach teams, and other non-profit organizations. In 2023 alone, they filled over 13,000 requests from over 100 organizations. And it looks as if Maine Needs has no intentions of going anywhere anytime soon. One of the people that I had the opportunity to email stated this, “As long as volunteers and donors continue to show up and need continues to exist, we will continue to provide support to as many people as we can.” With the rate of living going up higher in recent years, it can only be expected that requirements for basic needs will go up as well.
So, this raises the question. How can USM students and faculty help out? Donating is a huge part of it, but that’s not the only way. You can run fundraisers, collect bottles, or even just spend some of your free time to take a walk next door to Maine Needs and help out. When moving out of your dorm buildings or having family members and friends who are getting rid of things, I ask that you look for these highly requested items: school supplies, kid’s clothing, winter coats, ski pants, gloves, hats, waterproof boots, zero degree sleeping bags. Don’t have time to do any of that? Follow them on Instagram and Facebook at Maine Needs. Like, comment, share anything that you can. Spread the word. Spreading awareness on Maine Needs will be a huge help to the Maine community.