By: Asha Tompkins, Editor-in-Chief
In an email sent Wednesday, June 24, titled “preliminary Fall update, special DoSE edition,” Dean of Students Rodney Mondor shared important information regarding learning options for USM students this coming Fall semester.
“First, USM will have a hybrid experience this fall, with some courses and student services offered in person and others remaining remote or online,” said Mondor. “We remain student focused every day, and so our goal will be to meet students where they are.
Mondor continued to explain that USM will offer “face-to-face experiences to students who want them” but to the extent that is safe and allowed “by the CDC and the University of Maine System.”
“At the same time, we know some students may prefer to learn remotely, and we will make every effort to accommodate that desire as well.”
Three formats are offered for fall courses:
- Asynchronous online. These are courses that will not take place at a specific time or place, which may include pre-recorded lectures and other resources that help facilitate information to complete classwork.
- Blended. According to, it is also known as “hybrid learning. . .a method of teaching that integrates technology and digital media with traditional instructor-led classroom activities, giving students more flexibility to customize their learning experiences.”
- Face-to-face. This is an in-person class experience to the extent that is safe and allowed.
“Because of decreased classroom and building capacity per social distancing guidelines, some classes now listed as face-to-face may change to online or blended,” said Mondor. “By the middle of July students will be able to see the final format of their fall classes on MaineStreet. Final classrooms will be assigned to all face-to-face classes on Mainestreet at least one week before classes begin.”
“Residence halls will open with lower density and increased protocols for health and safety per CDC and University of Maine System guidelines.”
Mondor explained that students who live in the residence halls “will be expected to sign a health and safety pledge designed to decrease the potential spread of COVID-19, should anyone at USM become ill.”
“On or about July 1, Chancellor Malloy will announce the University System’s fall return plan. The Chancellor’s announcement will be followed almost immediately by an announcement specific to USM,” Mondor said.
Keep an eye out for information in your email in early July from the USM Chancellor, as well as from USM President Glenn Cummings.
“In the meantime, we are always here to help, so feel free to contact my office by submitting your questions online, email, or call 207-780-4035,” Mondor said.
Important contacts:
Student Contacts:
- Student Body President, Hannah Qiu:
- Graduate Student Board Representative, Eli Rubin:
Academic Contacts:
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences:
- Adam Tuchinsky, Dean:
- Lisa Walker, Associate Dean:
College of Management and Human Services:
- Dean Joann Williams:
- School of Business – Associate Dean Jane Kuenz:
- School of Education and Human Development – Associate Dean Andrea Stairs-Davenport:
- Muskie School of Public Service – Director Firooza Pavri:
- School of Social Work – Director Jeanette Andonian:
College of Science, Technology, and Health
- Dean Jeremy Qualls:
- Associate Dean: Chris Maher:
- School of Nursing – Associate Dean Brenda Petersen:
Lewiston-Auburn College:
Dean Brian Toy: