EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is the first column of what will now be a regular feature in The Free Press intended to address stereotypes about underrepresented groups within the USM community. It’s Greek to You? Being Greek at the University of Southern Maine may not be what you think it is. I know that when…
Author: USM
Bringing down the house
The Theatre Department hopes you don’t get into the story of its latest production, The Good Woman of Setzuan. That’s because it’s a Bertolt Brecht work and Brecht believed that the only way to get the point across in theater was to keep the audience from getting too comfortable. In The Good Woman of Setzuan,…
Not-so-incidental music
While not a musical, The Good Woman of Setzuan would not be the same without its score. There are several floating around already, but the newest originated at USM from the pen of senior music major Travis Ramsey. Ramsey, whose concentration is in music education, composition, and trombone, has written music before, but this was…
Monday Seek counsel. University Counseling Services offers group discussion of time management. Focus on avoiding pitfalls that prevent goal completion, staying on task and completing agendas. Payson Smith, Portland. 9-10:30 a.m. 780-4050. Center yourself. Dixie Searway leads instruction and practice of Sahaja yoga meditation. Mondays, 2:45-4:00, Brooks Student Center, “Husky Hut” Gorham. This event also…
Strange dream
David Lynch’s new film Mulholland Drive is that odd dream that makes no sense when you wake up, but makes perfect sense while you’re dreaming. As hard as you try to understand it, you know you never will. There are a thousand ways to interpret this film, but to think of it as a feature-length…
Steady on
As people age, the risk of a fall turning into a debilitating injury increases exponentially. Michael Godard, assistant professor of sports medicine, is doing something to help seniors citizens stay steady on their feet. Godard is heading a research project, based in the athletic training lab in Gorham, which uses feedback generated by sophisticated machinery…
Pass the tissues
Colds make you feel miserable. The cold season, running from early September through April, is here. Although you can catch a cold anytime, you are more likely to get one when cooler weather forces people indoors, where they’re in closer contact with one another. More than 200 viruses cause colds, and any one person can…
How quickly can you get to the Old Port?
The Old Port, Portland’s downtown district, is a common area to many USM students. It consists of many unique stores, coffee shops, live music and bars. Yes, students agree that it’s a wonderful place. But most do not agree on the best way to get there. “Forest Avenue, left on Marginal Way, right on Franklin…
Where have all the senators gone?
There’s something missing at the University . senators. More than one-third of the Student Senate is missing. Recently the Student Senate has had difficulties with membership. Normally there are 21 positions on the Student Senate intended to represent both commuter and resident students. There were 12 senators at Friday’s meeting, joined by a newly appointed…
Anthrax not causing local panic
Despite extensive media coverage of recent anthrax cases, Mainers are not panicking, according to local health officials. Local hospitals Maine Medical Center and Mercy Hospital have found that people are not overly concerned. “To my knowledge we have not had a lot of people contacting us with concerns about anthrax or smallpox,” said Martha Davoli…
Disney internships: magic or mundane?
With blaring house and retro re-mixes of songs from various animated films, Disney filled the Husky Hut in the Brooks Student Center recently and pumped up the energy as 43 students entered the Hut to hear about Disney’s internship – The Walt Disney World College Program (WDWCP). The internship offers thousands of college students a…
Halloween Pictures
Children get dressed up for Halloween night
Gorham campus neighbor loses another flag
In response to the Sept. 11 attacks, Rhonda Rice of Gorham Village proudly hung her American flag on her porch. But the flag was stolen, leaving Rice upset and amazed that one would steal an American flag at a time when our nation needs to show its spirit. Rice’s grandmother, who passed away this summer,…
Anti-terrorism bill likely to affect students
Most USM students won’t be affected by President Bush’s new anti-terrorism bill. Or at least they won’t know it when they are. “Much of what the U.S. government is doing in terms of intelligence gathering will be invisible,” said William Coogan, associate professor of political science. Bush signed the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing…
Newspaper thefts continue
More than 1,000 issues of The Free Press were stolen from the Portland and Gorham campus last Monday, following the theft of at least 1,000 papers the previous Thursday. USM Police have charged three suspects with theft: Cyrus Dulac and Sigma Nu brothers Jonathan McCorkill and Anthony Pergola, student senator and vice president of the…
Senators resolved
EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is a resolution passed by the Student Senate during Friday’s meeting. The 30th Student Senate of the University of Southern Maine wishes to express its condemnation of the events involving the alleged theft of the two most recent editions of The Free Press. While it is not the duty of this…
Concern for the accused
To the Editor: I would like to take a moment and respond to the incident regarding The Free Press. I have been at USM for 10 years, first as a student and now an employee. I also happen to be a member of Sigma Nu fraternity, which is why I have an obvious interest in…
About being Greek
To the Editor: I am writing because I do not feel that the entire Greek issue has been settled. There are still so many things left to be said. Being Greek is one of the most wonderful experiences that someone could encounter. It is about so many things. It is not about being a party…
Of Greeks and free speech
To the Editor: If the thefts are, indeed, related to criticism of the Greek organizations, they have merely confirmed any bad impression anyone may have had of fraternities and sororities. I am disgusted with the childishness of it — people are dying in other countries because they are not free to discuss opposing ideas about…
Write, don’t steal
To the Editor: I am just writing to let you all know that I am behind you all the way as you deal with whoever is stealing the newspapers. It may not sound like a big deal to some that newspapers are being stolen, but whenever people do these kinds of things, they are blocking…
About stereotypes
To the Editor: I felt the need to respond to some of the whiners in the last issue who complained about the unfair image of Greeks. Look, no one likes to be stereotyped. This is because we live in Western society where we are (supposedly) free to be you and me. One result of this…
Festivities at Lewiston-Auburn campus Festivities are being held at USM’s Lewiston-Auburn campus Sun, Nov. 11 to celebrate the completion of renovations on the campus The renovations, which are the final phase of an initial expansion have been underway for approximately a year. This completion will give the campus an additional 20,000 square feet of space,…
Aries (March 21-April 20) This week, friends and lovers may focus on past events or yesterday’s romantic ideals. Monday through Thursday, expect loved ones to be moody, introspective and withdrawn. Gently encourage others to describe their regrets or address previously neglected issues. This is an excellent time to let go of unproductive memories. After Thursday,…
FOLLOWING THE MOON The Moon was full on Nov. 1 and will reach the third quarter point Nov. 7. This week, watch as the Moon passes 1.7 degrees north of Jupiter on Nov. 6. The full moon rises around sunset and remains in the sky until sunrise. As the Moon passes through the waning gibbous…