ARAMARK update Director of Campus Dining Services Brian Wiacek and Joe Austin, director of Gorham Student Life updated the Student Senate on food service at the University. At each food service area across campuses there have been unique changes. At the Gorham campus cafeteria ARAMARK changed how the salad bar is set up, as well…
Author: USM
The Heart of the Matter
All it takes is 15 minutes and a pinprick to find out your cholesterol level, a key step in the prevention of heart disease. Heart disease is a leading cause of death in Americans, and elevated levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream can increase heart attack risk. In an attempt to raise awareness and prevent…
Health Beat
Set Yourself Free Maybe you are tired of being herded outside whenever you want to smoke. Maybe a good friend has come down with a smoking-related illness like lung cancer. Maybe you are just sick and tired of paying higher and higher prices for a product you know you are being manipulated to buy. Or…
“Monsters” has a heart of gold
As children (and sometimes even as grown-ups) we’re afraid of the monsters that linger in our closets and under our beds. We’ve heard them crawling around on our bedroom floors, waiting to get us as we lie there in the dark. “Monsters, Inc.,” a new film from Walt Disney and Pixar Entertainment, takes off from…
New wave vaudeville
Retro’s in these days, but its influence has only been skin deep so far. Hipsters are snatching up Goodwill vintage, but they’re listening to punk, not Edith Piaf. Happily for purists, Clare Fader and the Vaudevillians are the real deal, performing what they call “cabaret for the 21st century.” “The Elephant’s Baby,” the group’s newest…
Monday Nov. 12 Stress management. University Counseling Services holds group discussion about stress prevention and reduction. Payson Smith Hall, Portland. 9-10:30 a.m. 780-4050. Nov. 19 Holiday blues. University Counseling Services holds group discussion about how to manage holidays and reduce stress during the season. Payson Smith Hall, Portland. 9-10:30 a.m. 780-4050. Tuesday Nov. 13 Artist’s…
Residential Hall Association meets
The Student Senate is not the only elected board on campus. The Residential Hall Association (RHA) on the Gorham campus is a 14-member group of residents elected by their peers to work on improving life in the residence halls. The board also plans fundraisers for dorm functions and discusses various campus issues. For convenience, Portland…
Professor researches Portland’s homeless population
Being homeless hurts enough as it is. But one professor’s research revealed that aside from the struggle of life on the streets, the homeless are often targets of hate crimes. Sandra Wachholz, assistant professor of criminology and Dave Wagner, professor of social work presented a discussion of “Hate Crimes and Repression Against the Homeless in…
Students and homeless form a unique bond
For over a decade David Wagner has been involved with the poor and homeless. Last summer the social work professor invited people who have experienced homelessness to join his fall class, “Homelessness: Life and Culture of the Streets.” Wagner’s course is offered to criminology, sociology, and social work majors. The class consists of a diverse…
Satan’s work
To the Editor: As one of the few conservatives on campus, I feel compelled to comment on the evangelist minister who yelled out Bible scripture in front of the Gorham Campus Center. The Bible says: “Cast not your pearls before swine.” Translation: Don’t go where you’re not wanted. If anything, screeching like an idiot in…
More Greek Issues
To the Editor: I’m writing to address two issues that stem from the recent The Free Press/Greek scandal. First I am amazed at the level this imbroglio with the stolen issues of The Free Press has reached almost as much as I was amazed at the level of insecurity shown in the actions of those…
A close-knit circle on campus
A few knitters sat among the books exchanging ideas and techniques with each other while listening to jazz artist Thelonious Monk, who himself often sported a wool-knit cap. While knitting Wednesday night at the USM Bookstore in Portland, the participants discussed election results, local craft shops and joked about the University’s wordy job titles. Barbara…
Suspects not charged by DA
Three students who had been issued summonses for the theft of hundreds of copies of The Free Press will not be charged in court. The decision came last week after Cumberland County District Attorney Stephanie Anderson decided not to proceed with the case. “It has been alleged the Greek community on campus intended to deprive…
Bond brings $8 million to USM
The University community breathed a sigh of relief after learning voters approved a bond issue in last week’s election that will bring $8 million to USM and $36.7 million to the University of Maine System (UMS).
University officials said the money would be used to build a parking garage and a multi-use community education facility.
Police Logs
Saturday, Nov. 3 Three Portland Hall residents reported receiving harassing messages on their answering machines, all of the same nature, and several other complaints have been made. USM Police were able to recover the recordings and are still investigating. At 1:10 a.m. a computer desk was stolen from Portland Hall. A resident put the desk…
Aries (March 21-April 20) Early this week, a close friend or relative may be critical or socially judgmental. Group events will be draining. Expect others to be withdrawn and distrustful of new information. Stay involved but refuse to openly discuss private matters. Before Wednesday, loved ones will need a strong display of sensitivity and loyalty….
Nov. 12 to 18 Celestial highlights: The first few highlights are designed for you pre-dawn sky observers: The waning crescent moon will be 6.7 degrees NNE of Spica on Tuesday. Both celestial objects will be 27 degrees from the Sun. On Wednesday you’ll find the Moon less than 3 degrees to the NNE of both…
There is more to Greek than you know
Have you ever sat down and thought about how much your life has really changed in such a short amount of time? Don’t you find it interesting to trace the path your life has followed, and haven’t you found many twists and turns on that path that you once thought would be straight and narrow?…
The games go on
There are no winners. Everyone at USM lost when 2,500 copies of The Free Press were taken by a few people who were upset about a couple of articles. Advertisers lost. Students who fund half of the paper through their activity fees lost. My staff lost. And even the people who were accused of the…
Meet Joe Student
What’s your name? Donna Mead What year and major are you? A senior, social-behavioral science major. I was a psychology major at first by I thought social work would be more lucrative. How old are you? Thirty-eight. How long have you been going to school? This is my first semester after nine years. Why so…
Students send message: “Yes on 6”
Dozens of students chanted, “vote yes on 6” and waved signs, as local media looked on during a rally sponsored by the Student Senate and the USM Alumni Association. The turnout at Thursday’s rally was relatively small, but the message was very clear – “vote yes on 6.” Question 6 on the ballot is the…
Culture tasting
Whether through art, music or food, learning something new about someone else’s heritage and lifestyle really inspires me. Eating at Ezo, an African restaurant on Oak Street, was an opportunity to experience that something new. Upbeat drumming filled the room as I walked to one of the booths lining the wall of the small, quaint…
Open invitation
I want to make sure people understand: I don’t hold the entire Greek community at USM responsible for what’s been happening. But a lot of people do. I understand that many of you don’t agree with the actions of those who were caught stealing the paper. Many of you have written me letters, sent emails,…
Blue light special
There was quite a showdown in Luther Bonney last Monday afternoon. And it didn’t come as a surprise. Following the theft of at least 1,000 papers the week before, I called the USM Police Department Monday morning to let them know it might happen again. I knew we were running a story of a sorority…