To the Editor:
I feel that at this time a compromise needs to be made between the students that use facilities (i.e., gym, skating rink, etc.), students that participate in activities that are sponsored by the fee money, and students that can’t or don’t participate or use facilities. I think that a moderate fee could be charged to all students and then the students that participate and use facilities can “pay to play”.
I am a wife, mother of two, full-time student, part-time employee, and I commute an hour each way to the Portland campus. There are not enough hours in a day that would allow me to join in on activities regardless of how great they are.
I believe that there are hundreds if not thousands of students that are in the same predicament that I am in and we should not have to pay an even more exorbitant activity fee for those that can and do participate.
I would like to see some statistics on the percentage of students involved in activity fee-sponsored activities. Can you find out this information?
I would like to see how many out of the 11 or so thousand students at USM participate!!
AND, as for the proposed increase for parking, (another exorbitant fee proposal bordering on the ridiculous) I would like to see the fees prorated according to the students standing when fees are assigned for parking. Have graduate students and seniors pay the least, juniors pay a bit more and so on.
The parking fee has gone “through the roof” for a garage I will not even see because I will have already graduated by the time it is completed.
Thank you for your consideration regarding these matters.
Alison Jacobs