Teresa LaFromboise, a counseling psychologist concerned with stress-related problems of ethnic minority groups, came to the University last week to address bicultural issues concerning Native Americans. During her three-day stay in Portland she met with several departments and students within the USM community to discuss any concerns the University has with bicultural issues. LaFromboise gave…
Author: USM
Students head south for alternative spring break
While most of us are looking forward to much-needed time off during spring break, some students will be heading south to volunteer their time for families in need. Twenty students will head to South Brevard County, Fla. to join forces with similar collegiate groups from across the nation. Instead of getting hammered, they will spend…
Students struggle with school violence disciplinary action
Editor’s note: We decided to include the following story despite the fact it occurred off campus. We believe this issue effects the entire community. We encourage readers to use this paper as a forum for discussion. Bethany Poole shared her feelings about the social divisions in her high school and was suspended. On Friday March…
Fast and cheap
Although popular diet trends over the last few years have been swinging towards “healthier” foods, on campus another trend is prevailing: fast and cheap. “Decent food quick is the biggest trend I’ve seen,” said Chris Kinney, food service director for the Portland campus. “We sell two and a half times as many pre-made sandwiches as…
Health Beat
Sheera LaBelle, R.N. University Health Services Kristie Green Alive Editor Can’t Sleep? Nothing is more frustrating than not being able to sleep. Tossing and turning. Your mind is racing, going over everything that happened today. Night noises keep you awake. What can you do? Learn some new tricks to sleep well. Sleep only when sleepy…
The Marriage of Figaro: Backstage
All photos and text by Bill Watt.
Oscar? Who’s Oscar?
It’s time to squeeze into your Oscar de la Renta gown or Armani tux. Get out the expensive diamond jewelry (a.k.a. “bling-bling” for the ghetto fabulous). And don’t forget to make sure your skin is flawless because the paparazzi will capture every angle of your physique as you strut down the crimson carpet. Oh, wait…
THIS WEEK’S PICKS: tuesday Lecture, “Healthy Eating . Make it Your Choice!” noon to 1 p.m., Ice Arena Alumni Reception Center, Gorham; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., Woodward Hall Lounge, Gorham. 780-5041. Kotzschmar organ “Bach Birthday Bash,” from noon to 7:30 p.m., Merrill Auditorium, 20 Myrtle St., Portland. Donation of $7, 842-0800. Open mic night with…
Isolation leads student to new spiritual outlets
For six years, Julie Goell felt isolated as a Jewish student on campus. She kept her religion to herself until she could no longer bear the solitude. One day she walked into Portland Student Life in hopes of joining the Jewish student group, Hillel. She learned the University currently does not have any such group,…
Know your rights
The death penalty. Abortion. Internet censorship. Do you know the law and your rights? Ariel Ricci does. “Many people don’t understand their rights and how they can be changed so easily without them knowing,” said Ariel Ricci. “People need to know about the constant threats to their rights and how real they are.” Ricci, a…
Video game violence
The panel was assembled to discuss youth violence. By the time the discussion ended, the artist, police chief, counselor, and professors had fired a few rhetorical shots of their own. The panel discussion titled “Virtual Violence: Does our Recreation Recreate Us?” was held Thursday in Luther Bonney Auditorium. The discussion followed close on the heels…
DATING VIOLENCE ARREST USM Police arrested a student and charged him with assault and criminal restraint after a dorm room incident involving his ex-girlfriend. Derek Butler, 19, of Anderson Hall, was arrested at 1:30 a.m. on March 8 after he allegedly slammed the woman against the wall of a dorm room. He then held her…
Senate Update (3.19.01)
Concerns Resident Sen. Anthony Pergola expressed his concern that students doing homework during work-study jobs might not be getting paid for that time. Student Senate Business manager Kathleen Pease stated that federal guidelines require work-study students to be paid even if doing homework. She went on to clarify this applies only when there is no…
Volunteer work brings new insight to student lives
When I entered Kathryn Lasky’s media studies senior community involvement class, I thought, no big deal. Members of the class must simply take the skills that they have acquired through their educational career and volunteer them to a nonprofit community group. I had volunteered at the Greater Androscoggin Humane Society when I was in junior…
College alcoholism
In the March 5, 2001 issue of The Free Press, the Senate Update page listed an article that I must respond to. Resident Sen. Anthony Pergola has suggested the University provide a shuttle bus to ” … cut down on OUIs … ” My response here is to the topic and in no way is…
To the editor
Broida investigation To the Editor: I am writing this to express my concern over the way the University is dealing with Professor Broida and his research. I think the University needs to take more responsibility than it has. Professor Broida needs to make apologies and amends where necessary. Students who were hurt by this survey…
Smoke your breakfast
Who got the hook-up? Britney Spears said it best . “Oops, I did it again.” One-night stands always seem like a good idea at the time, usually on the tail end of a good old binge drinking session, or when everyone is just about to leave, a desperate cry for companionship at the end of…
Letter from the editor
CBW, give me a break Congratulations go out to The Casco Bay Weekly, which last week managed to appease and insult its audience in one fell swoop. CBW took criticism for three weeks while printing a cartoon “Chef Al’s Fowl”, which depicted the mutilation and implied consumption of women. Angry readers wrote letters of complaint,…
OUI arrest follows dry fraternity’s pledge ceremony
Gorham Police arrested a former Phi Kappa Sigma pledge for operating under the influence of alcohol after he drove away from the pledge-pinning ceremony of the alcohol free fraternity. Levi Nogues, 19, of 205 Dickey Hall, was arrested on March 4 after being pulled over by a Gorham Police officer at 1:19 a.m. for driving…
Investigation nears end
University officials are nearing the end of their investigation into the conduct of a psychology professor accused of violating federal guidelines in his research of students. The organization that funded the research is also investigating the matter. The research methods of Associate Professor of Psychology John Broida have been under investigation since mid-February when the…
Cartoon prompts community outrage
A cartoon strip featuring a woman being butchered and cooked has sparked community outrage. University officials told The Casco Bay Weekly (CBW) not to deliver the weekly tabloid to some campus locations until further notice because of the recent series of controversial cartoons. “We decided as a group that we wanted to show our anger…
Rites of Passage
“We did 15 piercings last week,” said Jasin Chapman, owner of Bad Seed Piercing in downtown Portland. “Three punks, two from Boston and two weight lifters.” He describes the other 10 people that came in as members of the “college crowd” that comprise more and more of his clientele. Chapman has enjoyed a prime view…
Sports Weekly
Senior forward Amanda Kimball (Arundel, ME), sophomore center Kara Crockett (Glenburn, ME) and freshman guard Meg Cressler (Appleton, ME) of the Huskies women’s basketball team have been honored by the Maine Women’s Basketball Coaches Association for their play during the 2000-2001 basketball season. Crockett and Kimball were named to the M.W.B.C.A. All-State Second Team while…
Health Beat
Sheera LaBelle, R.N University Health Services Mini Relaxation Exercises Mini relaxation exercises are focused breathing techniques, which can help to reduce anxiety and tension immediately. You can do them with your eyes open or closed. You can do them any place, at any time, and no one will know you are doing them. Taking some…