Ebert Weinstein walks through the wine aisle, carefully looking over the bottles before plucking a kosher Bordeaux from the shelf. “Some prefer sweet wines,” says Weinstein, “but this is my favorite.” Weinstein moves on to an assortment of breads. “No long loafs. It’s the wrong shape for the tradition,” says Weinstein. “It takes a round…
Author: USM
Little Lad’s Bakery
Is there really such a thing as healthy food that tastes good? When I think of healthy food I come up with things like bean sprouts and tofu or broccoli and lima beans. Can you imagine things like macaroni and cheese, chili or chowder being healthy? At Little Lad’s Bakery, a vegetarian/vegan eatery on Exchange…
Godsmack hits Portland
In Portland, you know you’re a big time rock star when the mayor gives you a key to the city. Godsmack, a band whose single “Voodoo” was played by local alternative rock radio stations to the point of exhaustion, was scheduled to play a concert in Portland last Tuesday. When they arrived on Monday, Mayor…
Keeping Company
In the first hours following Tuesday’s tragedy, most people remained in their homes and offices, transfixed by televisions and radios. When the initial shock wore off, many migrated to entertainment centers such as restaurants and bars to find comfort in a crowd. Bleachers, a sports bar and restaurant adjacent to USM’s Portland campus, became a…
Hollywood on hold
Even the insular world of entertainment has been touched by the events of the past week. The industry, which has reassessed upcoming releases for sensitivity, has been forced to cancel shows, rework schedules and postpone some films indefinitely. Both Warner Bros. Pictures and Touchstone Pictures announced postponements of upcoming films on Wednesday. Barry Sonnenfeld’s “Big…
BLOOD DRIVES SEPT. 17-23 MONDAY 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Merrill Auditorium Rehearsal Hall, 20 Myrtle St., Portland, sponsored by Portland City Hall 1 p.m.-6 p.m., RLDS Church, Main Street, Jonesport, sponsored by Jonesport/Beals TUESDAY 1 p.m.-8 p.m., The Cage, Campus Avenue, Lewiston, sponsored by Bates College 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Augusta Armory, Western Avenue, Augusta, sponsored by…
University remembers law school graduate
By Steve Peoples Executive Editor There were at least four Maine victims in last week’s attacks on America. One of those victims was James Roux, a 1984 graduate of the University of Maine Law School in Portland. The 42-year-old was a passenger on United Airlines Flight 175, which crashed into the south tower of the…
Professors ponder economic/political change
Faculty looks at impact on civil liberties and a possible recession By Tyler Stanley Staff Writer After last Tuesday’s events, members of the campus community were weary of the country’s well being. In particular, concerns were raised about the economy, the political world and the civil liberties provided. “I fear that these attacks are a…
Director of International Studies shares her views on the looming threat
Statistics show that the chances of being involved in a terrorist act are the same as being hit by lightning. “If you and I had to make a reasonable determination of whether you should be afraid of terrorists, I would say no,” said Lynn Kuzma, assistant professor of Political Science and Director of International Studies….
The Southworth Planetarium’s: NIGHT SKY GUIDE
THE FIRST DAY OF AUTUMN Autumn officially begins at 7:04 p.m. on Sept. 22. At this time, the sun’s apparent annual path, the ecliptic, intersects the celestial equator (the projection of Earth’s equator onto the night sky). This point is known as the Autumnal Equinox. The word “equinox” literally means “Equal Night,” for on an…
Letters to the Editor
Asking “why?” EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is a letter sent by student Melody Martin to her father-in-law and ex-husband the day after the attack. She wanted to share her feelings with the community. Dear Bill and Steve, Hope this finds you in fair spirits. Bill and Steve, being former military men, I am sure the…
Scary thoughts
I don’t know about you but I’m scared. I’m scared when I see a plane in the sky. I’m scared when I hear a siren. And I’m scared when I turn on the TV and see the destruction caused by a dozen men with a few boxcutters. But I’m more scared of some people’s attitudes….
Police Logs
Tuesday, Sept. 3 An athletic director reported seeing a vehicle driving on the Gorham campus soccer field about 9:30 p.m. A USM police officer responded, but the vehicle was not found. Thursday, Sept. 6 An underage Portland Hall resident was found with alcohol about 12:30 a.m. The female, who resided in the Yankee Clipper wing,…
America Attacked
It was 189 years ago when this last happened: a major attack on the continental United States by a foreign enemy. Following the British and American conflict during the War of 1812, Fortress America seemed impenetrable. Tuesday’s attack woke us from that nearly 200-year calm. It shocked many with its violence against American civilians, and…
USM promptly relays information to students|
Over 250 people sat in hushed solemnity during a vigil last week as USM officials answered post-attack questions. President Richard Pattenaude and other USM officials appeared at Tuesday’s vigil in the Brooks Dining Hall on the Gorham campus. They talked about student concerns and encouraged participants to offer their thoughts and feelings about how Tuesday’s…
America Attacked
It was 189 years ago when this last happened: a major attack on the continental United States by a foreign enemy. Following the British and American conflict during the War of 1812, Fortress America seemed impenetrable. Tuesday’s attack woke us from that nearly 200-year calm. It shocked many with its violence against American civilians, and…
New journalism professor at USM
A journalist with experience as an on-line editor with CNN and as a print journalist has been named as professor of journalism in the USM’s Media Studies Program. Barbara Schlichtman, now a resident of Peak’s Island in Portland, was the former legal news editor at CNN Interactive in Atlanta, and was responsible for the daily…
What’s my major?
The hardest decision a person can make during their college years (after the eternal question of beer or liquor) is: What the hell am I going to study. Picking a major is one of the most important choices an individual can make because it will be the first step that you take toward a long…
Annual festival fun for all
USM welcomed students back last week with its annual festival. Students could challenge each other to jousts, sumo wrestling matches, or just kick back and watch a band.
A team of strangers
There are only seven returning players to the USM Men’s Soccer team this year-the smallest veteran crew in recent history-and 20 new faces. With 11 players on the field at any one time during regulation play, the team is starting off the season with too few return players to legally start a game. “Before preseason…
By Kristie Green Alive Editor And Sheera LaBelle, R.N. University Health Services Some college students leave school before graduating for lots of reasons: maybe the “fit”‘ wasn’t quite right for them, or maybe they really wanted to be going somewhere else or doing something else. But one of the most common factors influencing a student’s…
Bond on the ballot
Sure the University is facing a budget shortfall of over $1 million. But in the realm of the funding formula there’s operational costs, and then there’s capital improvement costs. So when voters go to the polls in November, they’ll be asked to approve a $36 million bond that will help fund projects across the University…
University braces for $1 million shortfall
It’s already raised tuition. And the looming million dollar budget shortfall has spurred a two-year, $2 student energy charge as well. “It’s not a happy situation, but we will make sure that academics are not impacted,” said President Richard Pattenaude. “The goal is to maintain the integrity of the institution.” The State Legislature approved a…
Meet Joe Student
Chasya (pronounced ka-sha). I’m from New York. Which borough? Brooklyn. I’ve been here for three years though. What brought you to Maine from Brooklyn? My kid’s grandmother. Year and major? This is my first year in criminology. What do you hope to do with a criminology degree? Become a probation officer for juveniles and then…