In the spring of 2000 the popular Gorham campus television station G-TV was shut down on two separate occasions. And though last year passed without incident, University officials have outlined a contract to avoid future problems. Two weeks ago, however, while an old contract existed between G-TV and the group officially responsible for the station,…
Author: USM
Alumni Internet connection Joseph Kayne was 12 miles away from the Pentagon in Fairfax, Virginia, at the time of the attack on the United States two weeks ago. When the USM alumnus heard what happened, he turned his car around and fought the suddenly heavy traffic toward his son’s daycare center. “My wife works in…
Senate Update
Office of International Exchange Director of International Exchange, Domenica Cipollone described her program. Cipollone works with students, the INS, and national and international study away programs. “I get to provide opportunities to know the world,” said Cipollone. She described the abroad programs she works with as “affordable ways to go to different schools and to…
Nameless objection to good deed
The AIDS Vaccine Ride is a ride inspired by kindness, some say. “It was amazing, like five days of heaven. It’s about people coming together in acts of kindness,” said Rodney Mondor, assistant director for Student Involvement and Greek Life. Earlier in the month Mondor joined thousands in a five-day battle between the human soul…
letters to the editor
Not our fault To the Editor: I would like to respond to the editorial from Patrick Liddy and Ryan Adams. I agree that it is a time for us to be tolerant of all American people and legitimate guests of our nation. Acts of violence against people because of their ethnic or religious background is…
Smoke your breakfast “classics”
Sorry everybody, with everything that’s happened in the last few weeks I can’t think of anything funny. Steve won’t let me leave this space empty so until I get my sense of humor back, you’ll have to settle for `Smoke your breakfast Classics.’ Leftovers never tasted so good. Living in pain We all know how…
Free thoughts
I’ve had a little experience living without the protection of the Constitution. And I didn’t like it. I lived in Mexico as an exchange student my senior year of high school. I learned that the people I met were a lot like my friends back home. The high school I attended was pretty similar. And…
Garden to be planted in memory of professor
Over $1,500 in donations have been raised for the project Frank Carner has been missing his wife and the mother of his son since she passed away last August, following her battle with breast cancer. “I live in a place filled with exquisite things and that’s a world that she made,” the associate professor of…
Campus security intensifies
What happens, happens. Some students say terrorist-related attacks like the one on Sept. 11 are unavoidable. Someone determined to commit such attacks will do so, said Isaac Sprowl, a freshman business administrations major. And they’ll do it regardless of how tight security is. “I don’t think there’s much that can be done,” said Sprowl. “If…
Crime on Campus
Friday, Sept.14 Two Southern Maine Technical College students who reside in Portland Hall were written up for alcohol and sign-in violations. The residents of the Yankee Clipper wing failed to sign in their guest, who is under investigation for another incident, according to USM Police. Friday, Sept.14 USM police officers found a makeshift mattress and…
What’s happening to our freedom?
Stock market crashes. Worries of chemical war. Many things now weigh on the minds of Americans since the terrorist attack two weeks ago. Added to the list may be the fear of diminished freedoms, even here at the University of Southern Maine. Lori Dell, a history major here, wrote an e-mail last week after the…
Aries (March 21-April 19) – You’re still in the mood for love. State your honorable intentions early, then talk about what needs to be done. Tomorrow you can get started, but make the commitment to follow through on an old promise. This works even if you’ve been married for years, by the way. Taurus (April…
University comes together after crisis
The University of Southern Maine comes together after the devastating terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon.
Coping with Tragedy
“If I was watching this at home I’d be crying,” said senior political science major Peggy Grenier as she watched events unfold Tuesday morning on a television in the Woodbury Campus Center. “You just don’t expect things like this to happen here.” Shock, fear, and anger were just a few of the emotions being expressed…
Breaking the news to the kids
When Lisa Marie Lindenshmidt, an administrative assistant at the Muskie school of Public Service, picked up her four-year-old daughter Morgan at daycare on Tuesday, she was prepared to tell her about the morning’s tragedies. Her daughter spoke first. “I already know what happened today,” Morgan said. “A plane crashed into a building and made a…
Guatemalan speaker to visit campus
Cristobal Osorio Sanchez, a Mayan-Achi Guatemalan human rights activist, will be coming to the Portland Campus Center on Monday, Sept. 17, at 7 p.m. Osorio is a survivor of the massacres committed against the Rio Negro village in 1982 by the Guatemalan army in an attempt to clear the way for the Chixoy Dam, a…
Health Beat
You Are Not Alone! Traumatic experiences shake the foundation of our beliefs about safety and shatter our trust. Because they are so far outside what we would expect, these events provoke reactions that feel strange and “crazy.” These reactions are typical and expectable. They are normal responses to abnormal events and are frequently temporary. 1….
Meet Joe student
What’s your name? Heather Augustine. Year and major? I’m a freshman and undeclared. What brought you to USM? Basically to go back to school. I was living in San Francisco and wanted to go back to college and I could get scholarships if I go here, so I was able to do that. What were…
Too close to home
For almost a day she didn’t know if her only brother was alive. USM Police Chief Lisa Beecher’s younger brother, Linden – the baby of the family – was scheduled to fly out of Logan on United Airlines last Tuesday morning. Two of the four hijacked planes belonged to United. But Beecher didn’t make that…
Are USM students going to war?
The recent terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon have impelled the White House to call thousands of reservists to active duty. They have also motivated rumors about the possibility of a national draft. Heavily impacted by these concerns are college campuses, which are host to a high number of military aged…
Feelings of vulnerability arise after attacks
Many students were just getting out of the shower or brushing their teeth. Some tuned into their televisions looking for the weather report, but instead what they saw was a surreal event that will affect their lives forever. “I’m in shock,” said Becky Watkins, a junior. “I hope this doesn’t happen anywhere else.” Feelings of…
International students worry
The war on Americans is not over. US citizens such as Amer Kamal, whose family is Palestinian, are worried. They’re worried that anger will turn inward toward Americans with middle-eastern faces. “People will be angry and frustrated and may do some things to people who look different,” said Domenica Cipollone, director of International Exchange. “That’s…
New journalism professor at USM
A journalist with experience as an on-line editor with CNN and as a print journalist has been named as professor of journalism in the USM’s Media Studies Program. Barbara Schlichtman, now a resident of Peaks Island in Portland, was the former legal news editor at CNN Interactive in Atlanta, and was responsible for the daily…
Senate update
Handling a crisis Paul Dexter, a substance abuse counselor in the University Health and Counseling services spoke to the Student Senate about what his office could offer beyond financial support to help the campus in this time of crisis. “If you see a need, speak up,” he said. He also expressed concern for USM’s decision…