By: Chelsea Malacara, Sustainability Education & Outreach Coordinator Since the end of last semester, the Winter Solstice has passed and a new decade has begun. This time of year sparks a time when many of us are looking forward to new possibilities, reassessing our past, and setting new goals. Every spring semester, the Office of…
Author: USM
Resolve to be realistic
By: Lisa Belanger, Director, Health Services Question: According to Time magazine, what tops the list of the most commonly broken New Year’s Resolutions? Answer: Lose weight and get fit. I suspect that many readers knew the answer to this question without having to give it much thought because they have had first-hand experience with this…
Welcome back from Dean of Students
By: Rodney Mondor, USM Dean of Students Welcome Back, Huskies! I hope you had a relaxing break and despite all the recent snow and ice, feel refreshed and ready to face 2020. It’s hard for me to believe I am missing my first spring semester start in twenty years. This is not a place I…
Welcome to Spring 2020, Huskies!
By: Jeannine Uzzi, USM Provost Greetings, and Happy Spring Semester! I am delighted to welcome you to another semester of learning and to invite you to participate this semester in USM’s Common Read, How To Be An Antiracist, by Ibram X. Kendi, Professor and Founding Director of the Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American…
Welcome back from President Glenn Cummings
Glen Cummings, USM President Welcome back As we begin a new semester and a new decade, I welcome you back to the University of Southern Maine. I hope you had an enjoyable holiday and treated yourself to some well-deserved relaxation. This spring will bring us new challenges to be productive, to care for each other…
Sticking the landing
By: Cristina Kerluke, Learning Commons Academic Support Program Specialist Final exam week is almost here. Before sharing tips for succeeding on exams, let’s acknowledge that it’s normal to experience some fatigue or a dip in motivation this time of year. Thoughts drift towards the holidays, Winter Break, and some well-earned time off. It’s time to…
Working on Wellness: A big to do
By: Janis Mallon, Training Director and Senior Psychologist The end of semester can be a chaotic and stressful time. Between studying for finals, managing plans for break and working that part-time (or full-time) job we sometimes find ourselves overwhelmed with an increasing sense of stress. What can often seem like very manageable tasks during any…
Final exams
By: Cristina Kerluke, Academic Support Program Specialist For many students, the concept of final exam preparation brings to mind the vision of end-of-the-semester cramming efforts and pulling all-nighters. However, it doesn’t need to be this way. Starting your preparation now, four weeks before Final Exams, will put you in a position to maximize your success!…
Where do you stand?
By: Cristina Kerluke, Learning Commons Academic Support Program Specialist Here we are, week 10 of the semester. It’s hard to believe that after this week there are only 5 weeks left before final exams. At this point in the semester, it’s critical to know where you stand academically and to also have a plan to…
Overcoming procrastination
By: Cristina Kerluke, Academic Support Program Specialist This week’s article is adapted from our Procrastination web page. Procrastination is completely understandable. Simply put, procrastination means avoiding or delaying something that we do not want to do. We ALL have times in our lives when we put something off. Procrastination itself can lead to increased stress,…
Seasonal Affective Disorder and Light Therapy: Light Boxes in USM Libraries
By: Liza Little, Psy.D, Director of Counseling Services USM Health and Counseling Services staff see many students who complain of “winter blues” or “winter depression”. This is also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.). S.A.D. is a pattern of mood changes, occurring at the same time each year; it usually begins in the late fall ( now)…
Boosting your Overall Health this Fall
By: Victoria Libby M.S.Ed., Psy.D. Samantha Seebode If this transition into the school year is harder than you anticipated, you are not alone! Here are a few ideas that can improve both your mental and physical health. Consider trying at least one. You may be surprised at what a difference it makes! Get Outdoors: It’s…
Letter to the Editor: Not lost to history
By: Eddie L. Beard, Psychology Student As one of the leaders against the merger between the University of Maine at Portland and Gorham State Teachers College, I saw in dismay that you think the merger happened in 1978. The actual merger occurred at the beginning of the 1971-1972 school year. And it was not between…
The Importance of Post Exam Review
By Cristina Kerluke, Academic Support Program Specialist The Importance of Post Exam Review When you receive a graded exam back from your professor, what do you do with it? Many students spend a considerable amount of time preparing for exams, but often do not take time to reflect on exam information, giving no further thought…
Working on Wellness: Vaping: Friend or foe?
By: Malinda Scannell, Nurse Practitioner The use of e-cigarettes (e-cigs) has become increasingly widespread among youth and young adults. The addictive nature of nicotine has been an ongoing concern since its introduction. Recently e-cigs have been in the news due to concerns over vaping related sickness and deaths. As of October 2nd, 805 vaping related…
Practice, practice, practice
By: Paul Dexter, Director of Academic Retention Initiatives Think about one of your skills. It may be associated with a hobby, a passion, or professional talent. It could be anything: guitar, basketball, media production, writing, speaking multiple languages. Now, think about how much time and effort it took to build that skill, even if you…
Managing your learning environment
By: Cristina Kerluke, Learning Commons Academic Support Program Specialist This week’s article is adapted from our Managing Your Learning Environment web page. A “learning environment” is any place where you are trying to take in new information, connect concepts, apply information, complete an assignment, or practice a new skill. That is, a learning environment is…
Reminiscing with Lucinda Williams
By: Gregory Stowe, Library Specialist I remember that I had tumbled to Lucinda Williams before her breakout album Car Wheels on a Dirt Road. Jim Pinfold, DJ on the morning Reasonable Music Show at WMPG played her song “Little Angel, Little Brother” from her album Sweet Old World and I was hooked. I saw her…
Letter to the Editor: Men’s locker room privacy violations must stop
On Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at around 5pm, three female athletic department staff members entered the men’s locker room at the Costello Sports Complex on the USM Gorham campus (first floor, public use men’s locker room, room 120). There were several men inside the men’s locker room at the time, changing and also showering naked….
Fire main burst closes Woodbury student center
By: Nancy Davis Griffin, Chief Operations Officer Sometime on Saturday evening or early Sunday morning the underground fire main going into Woodbury Student Center burst. Parts of Woodbury experienced up to 6 inches of water. Due to the damage caused by this burst pipe, Woodbury Student Center will be closed for the next 2+ weeks….
Working on Wellness: The power of group support
By: Janis Mallon University Health & Counseling Services will soon be offering a number of groups in 156 Upton Hall between 3:30 and 4:30 to help students gain skills in managing stress, adjusting to college life, improving self-compassion and developing more satisfying relationships. Chill Skills, led by Rebecca Reid Brainerd and Sarah Kelly, will meet…
Discover your major & career interests at USM
By: Kelsey Bannon & Emma Roose, Academic Advisors There are many reasons why a student might be undeclared or want to explore major options. Some students might know a general field they’d like to go into but want help narrowing down their options. Others might not know how their interests apply to future careers and…
Are you attending class with purpose?
By: The Learning Commons Team Are you Attending Class with Purpose? Your time is valuable, and every class meeting presents an opportunity to learn. Just showing up, though, does not guarantee you will learn anything. What you DO in the classroom makes all the difference! What Does It Mean to “Attend Class with Purpose” The…
The phone dilemma
By: Garrick Hoffman, USM Media Studies, ‘20 The phone dilemma: an exhortation to faculty and students I have a professor who, in his syllabus, addresses the use of technology in class. Others do the same. In this one professor’s address, he encourages the use of laptops and tablets for note-taking, but asks students to refrain…