Service Valentines Project
It’s time to make the Valentine cards. On Feb. 11 at 6 p.m. in the Brooks Student Center in Gorham, Circle K is sponsoring a service project for all students. Valentine cards will be made for the Jack Elementary School. The Jack students currently go to school in a converted office building on Congress Street. Circle K’s plan is to make 500 cards, one for each student and teacher. All Valentine supplies will be provided. Circle K encourages all students to come, learn about Circle K’s commitment to service and make Valentines for the children of Jack Elementary.
Coffeehouse at the Lewiston-Auburn College
Sneakers, Stilettos, & Steeltoes, the Lewiston-Auburn College’s undergraduate literary magazine is sponsoring a coffeehouse and open microphone night on Tuesday Feb. 12 at 6:30 p.m. in room 170C at the Lewiston-Auburn College (See listing on Page 9). The evening will include poetry, story and coffee. The coffeehouse is free and all are welcome to attend.
The ACSUM is sponsoring a food drive
The Associated COLT Staff of the University of Maine is sponsoring a food drive through Thursday Feb. 14 to benefit local shelters both for people and animals. The shelters need supplies of non-perishable food items. The animal shelters need dog/cat food and pet supplies. Drop-off boxes are located in the Gorham and Portland Student Centers, the basement cafeteria of the Law Building, and designated spots on campus. If anyone is interested in monetary donations to the shelters, please make checks out to “USM ACSUM” and send to Tammy Berry, Nursing Department, Masterton Hall 119, 780-4505.
All about astronomy
Have an interest in astronomy? The Southworth Planetarium is offering a new astronomy course called Stardome Astronomy. The six-week course will begin at the end of March. It will cover the fundamentals of Astronomy and the universe as well as the depths of computerized black hole simulations. The course is intended for any person who is interested in learning how the sky moves and how the Universe works. Please contact Edward Gleason, Manager and Astronomer of the Southworth Planetarium.
Payson Elevator down
The main elevator in Payson Smith Hall is down due to mechanical problems. The Stanley Maintenance Company will work on the elevator to replace the failed parts. Repairs will be completed by Feb. 15. The elevator will be usable for the start of classes after winter break.