Whether religious or not, many students have walked by the interfaith chaplaincy office on the Portland campus. In case any were wondering what goes on inside the little white building, it’s more than just a campus church.
The chaplaincy aims at “supporting religious and spiritual life in all of its expressions” and continues to do so through the education of beliefs, values and ethics.
The office supports a variety of religions and faiths and student, including the Baha’i, Christian, Jewish, Intervarsity (evangelical Christian), Muslim and Pagan associations, clubs and fellowships.
For those looking for a place to reflect, students and faculty members can visit “A Space Apart,” a room located in the interfaith office on the Portland campus, next to Payson-Smith. The chaplains encourage anyone to visit, meditate or pray there.
The chaplains – recognized leaders for each represented group or faith — meet monthly to plan events, which include “fish bowl” topics that model how to engage in dialogue with others who may not share your beliefs.
This semester, the team of associate chaplains has created a series of programs designed to discuss topics such as sex and sexuality, money and the environment.
Reverend Andrea Thompson-McCall is the USM interfaith chaplain, also serving as director of the office of community service and civic engagement.