Faculty and committees at the University of Southern Maine gathered last week to discuss the recent work-to-rule vote of the USM chapter of the Associated Faculties of the University of Maine. The vote passed two weeks ago establishes that full-time USM faculty will only do what is specified within their current contracts. Ninety-three percent of…
Author: USM
New student group at the University of Southern Maine calls for fossil fuel divestment
Divest USM, a new student group at the University of Southern Maine, is an environmentally and socially minded group that intends to start a system-wide movement for the divestment of all University of Maine System investments in the fossil fuel industry. The group is also calling for reinvestment in what it considers to be more…
National Album Review: Ordinary People by Olu
Riding high off internet buzz and armed with a surprising work ethic, Cleveland rapper Olu has given his fans what they’ve been asking for. Ordinary People is a full-length album that, like his previous releases, is full of first-rate lyricism, a varied collection of beats from underground producers and tracks that appeal to the tastes…
R.A.s have more responsibilities than you think
An RA’s first thought every morning is never, “I’m an RA.” Instead, like every other student, we think of what homework assignment is due that day whether it’s a day at our internship or our job. Our schedules can be hectic, because we are also typical students. We are out in the USM community as…
Things of the week
Juicing leads to losing – in baseball This year, not a single MLB player received the required 75 percent of the vote from the Baseball Writers’ Association of America to be elected into the Hall of Fame. This is only the eighth time this has happened since the National Baseball Hall of Fame’s inception in…
Students question snow day policies: USM answers
Poor weather conditions Wednesday played a part in a University of Southern Maine shuttle bus fender bender and led to long commutes, and now, many students are questioning why classes were not canceled, delayed or let out early during the snowstorm. USM Chair of the Student Senate Chris Camire quickly realized that student frustration was…
Some still blow smoke at USM tobacco ban
Students returned to the University of Southern Maine last Monday to begin classes for the spring semester. For most students, that day also marked the first that the university’s new tobacco policy would affect them. In spite of the ban, some students still light up between classes on university property. Student response to the ban…
USM officials weigh LePage budget cuts
Governor Paul LePage has formally presented his supplementary budget for the current fiscal year which outlines cuts to be made to specific state agencies and departments. He also presented his budget for the next two fiscal years along with formalized budget amendments for this year on Friday, Jan. 11. The legislature is currently reviewing the…
National Album Review: O.N.I.F.C by Wiz Khalifa
“Used to be the kid, now homie I’m the man,” raps Wiz Khalifa on “Let It Go” from his latest and long-anticipated album O.N.I.F.C (Only N*gga In First Class). Wiz has finally recovered from his sluggish Atlantic Records debut, Rolling Papers, a admitted mistake that Wiz discussed in an open letter to fans earlier in…
From Greece to Gorham: A look at one man’s ‘destiny’
Last spring, Angelo Sotiropoulos thought his life was over. Gorham House of Pizza was boarded up and he was diagnosed with cancer at age 63. But with generous support from the community and some time to rest, he is back on his feet and back in the kitchen, continuing his journey here in Maine. Gorham…
National Album Review: Long.Live.A$AP by A$AP Rocky
It’s official: Long.Live.A$AP has been worth the wait. New York rapper A$AP Rocky was signed to the majors almost two years ago, and a road of scrapped projects and delayed release dates was all that followed. Everyone was ready to write him off before the spacey single “Goldie” was released last April, just in time…
Car crashes into USM shuttle in Gorham
A USM shuttle bus was reportedly involved in an accident today at 1:45 p.m. when a car slid into it in Gorham. Justicia Barreiros, USM student and Free Press photographer on board the bus, wrote about the scene in a statement shortly following the crash. The bus was going to the Gorham campus, Barreiros said,…
LePage cuts bill USM $587,000 for end of fiscal year
Governor Paul LePage signed an executive curtailment to the state budget this December that outlined $35.5 million in cuts to be made across state agencies before the end of the fiscal year on June 30. The cuts were made based on an equitable percentage requirement that is part of the curtailment process in which the…
Editor positions opening at The Free Press next semester
With the majority of editors graduating, you’ll be seeing some new names in The Free Press. One of them could be yours. Working at student newspapers is one of the best ways to get the experience publications and other employers are looking for. And thanks to our recently announced partnership with the Bangor Daily News, your work will be seen by more people and you’ll make important connections with professionals in the field of journalism.
Henry: Internet enabling a new generation of bullies
There is nothing in this world that pisses me off more than trolling, bullying or the general lack of decency in conversation both online or in person. I can’t stand people who make comments about other people with the sole intention of making them feel bad. Trolling has become a recent phenomenon with the boom…
Kidder: Make a difference for the planet by starting with your day
By Tyler Kidder Some days my job seems daunting — changing the minds of thousands of people and getting them to do something differently. Other days it doesn’t even feel like work: I recycle things; I educate people about why I think waste reduction is important; I make signs inviting people to events that I…
Kelley: Anti-abortion agitators ignite a different debate
By Thomas Kelley Along with most of the student body, faculty, administration and even visitors to the Portland campus this week, I had the displeasure to view an anti-abortion display by the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform on Wednesday and Thursday. The installation was a ring of dozens of graphic images approximately six to seven feet…
Williams: Vote of ‘no confidence’ would hurt university on the mend
In the past few weeks, there has been an incredible amount of confusion regarding the vote of no confidence in University of Southern Maine President Selma Botman. The controversy regarding pay raises seems to be the catalyst that drove this petition to the president’s desk. It is not.
Some faculty accuse committee organizing no-confidence vote of bias
A faculty vote of no confidence in University of Southern Maine President Selma Botman is tentatively scheduled for the end of this month, but some faculty members have raised concerns over the neutrality of the committee organizing the vote, as well as the process.
Rift develops as faculty take sides for and against Botman
Members of faculty opposing and supporting University of Southern Maine President Selma Botman have released statements outlining their support for or opposition to voting no confidence in the embattled president.
City of Portland, USM looking to improve annoying intersection near campus
Whether on foot or by car, crossing the six-way intersection next to the University of southern Maine Portland campus can be time consuming and hazardous. But the city of Portland and USM would like to change that. The Portland City Council held a public meeting in March to discuss the intersection and has contracted a consultant…
Between federal and state law, medical marijuana patients caught in vise on campus
When Robyn Smith gets a migraine or feels a sharp pain in his neck, he is not allowed to take his medication on campus. University administration have told him there is no way around it. Because even though state law says medical marijuana is legal, which he uses on a daily basis, federal law still considers it a “dangerous drug” with no medical benefits.
Faced with budget shortfalls, departments get creative — and green at USM
In the face of continuing environmental concerns, art and theatre students and faculty at the University Southern have responded by developing a series of creative endeavors aimed at encouraging conservation and efficiency at USM. With the February production of Eurydice, the USM Theatre Department has begun paving the way towards a future of green productions at…
A green thumbs up to indoor gardening
Abby Lucas used to not like her dorm room. The double-single in Dickey Wood Hall felt strange and plain; there wasn’t much personality or a sense of comfort. A first-year media studies major, Lucas decided to spruce up her room by adding two basil plants. “Now people compliment me on my room a lot. I…