To celebrate Maine Restaurant Week, the Maine Historical Society Museum has put together a collection of culinary history. From Chop Suey to Washington Pie, Maine Menus features a collection of menus from 1882 to 1949, all with a special link to the state of Maine.The exhibit has been curated by MHS archivist Nancy Noble, who…
Author: USM
Bam Bam bakes up delicious options for gluten-sensitive foodies
With one percent of the entire U.S. population suffering from celiac disease, it’s no surprise that many of Portland’s eateries are attempting to tap into this new, sometimes under-represented clientele. Bam Bam Bakery, situated at the corner of Union and Commercial streets, caters to the customers who don’t consume gluten, a type of protein found…
Athlete Profile: Jamie Ruginski triple jumps to the nationals
Junior Jamie Ruginski from Buxton is a highly decorated member of the USM indoor track team. He has competed and scored at both the regional and national level and will be representing the university at the the New England Intercollegiate Amateur Athletic Association Championships, one of the oldest track and field competitions in the country….
A student’s guide to Maine Restaurant Week
The 6th annual Maine Restaurant Week is the perfect opportunity to break free from the doldrums of frequenting the same eateries and explore new flavors at an especially discounted price. Over 90 restaurants all over the state are offering new 3-course dinners for either $25, $35, or $45 and lunches for a fixed price of…
Healthy or not: the truth about athletes’ diets
The difference between a nutritional diet and unhealthy habits can make or break a student athletes’ performance. Many student athletes find it difficult to keep their diet on track when their sport is off season. “When I’m out of season, I’ll eat more junk food—you know chips, salsa—everything you shouldn’t be eating,” said Sabrina Sodders,…
Presentation illuminates Affordable Care Act
Representatives from the Department of Health and Human Services and other health organizations led an information session on Monday in an attempt to chip away at public misconceptions about the federal Affordable Care Act. The session, which was also attended by representatives from Western Maine Opportunity Alliance, provided students and community members with assistance enrolling…
Direction Package Advisory Board presents final recommendations
The Direction Package Advisory Board met for the last time last Friday to present its final recommendations to the President’s Council. While the work of the board is officially finished, what will actually be done with the work has yet to be determined. The board sub-groups came together for a cohesive presentation and gave plenty…
Portland gourmets discuss roads to success
As the annual Maine Restaurant Week progresses, you may notice that among the old faces, there are a slew of brand new eateries, and a handful of others that you remember from just last year have disappeared. According to Professor Charles Colgan of public policy and management and the Muskie School of Public Service and…
Sustainability and ME: You can still eat fresh in winter
For those of us who try to eat locally, the winter used to be a bit of a challenge and left us longing for the warmer days of spring, summer and fall, when our beloved nearby produce was easier to obtain and contained more variety. Now, thanks to a growing demand for healthy, high-quality, local…
Top 5: Food Apps
In honor of Maine’s Restaurant Week, let’s take the stress out of finding somewhere delectable (and local!) to eat by exploring our top five apps that can be used to locate restaurants catering to every palate and wallet. Many people today indulge in the technology of smartphones. This information especially serves those of this demographic,…
You are wrong: Trust your gut and eat what you want
I’m Thaddeus Moriarty, and you are wrong. Why? Because you eat food. Food wants to be eaten, will make itself smell good and look tasty in order to be eaten, and — by eating it — you’re falling right into its trap. Don’t play food’s game. Think for yourself, you sheep. (Mmm, lamb chops.) I’m…
Our Opinion: Students need to speak up on university issues
With the budget deficit, there are going to be changes at USM, whether we’re a part of them or not. The work of the Direction Package Advisory Board is officially finished, and plans are being made to put their work into action. Over the next few weeks, serious decisions will be made that will affect…
USM mourns the loss of three students
University officials will hold two community gatherings Thursday for students, faculty, and staff following the deaths of three USM students that occurred in the past two weeks. The news of the death of Brandon Hodges, a freshman on track to study engineering, was sent to students in a campus-wide email on Feb. 21. Hodges was…
Kalikow: Listen to students on divestment
The student group, Divest UMaine, will make a presentation to the University System’s Investment Committee on February 27, supporting divestiture of fossil fuel investments. As president of the University of Maine Farmington and now at USM, I have not made a habit of attending Investment Committee meetings. However, last year I was there when they…
Sustainability in ME: Divest and invest in your future
By: Iris SanGiovanni I’ve spent a lot of time thinking and planning for my future. This has become an especially pervasive thought in college as I design my classes around my major. I am currently a first year, political science major at USM. Education is a tool I intend to use to craft a better…
Ettenger: My apology to the students
By: Kreg Ettenger “Looks good on paper” usually refers to something that seems sensible in theory, even if it doesn’t work out in practice. It applies to a lot of recent changes here at USM, including many that directly affect students. Case in point: the university “reorganization” that took place under the last administration. Despite…
You are wrong: That’s March better than February
I’m Thaddeus Moriarty, and you are wrong. Why? Because you think that March is good for anything at all. After a long winter’s passing, full of holidays and holy days, and then the busy beginning of classes and the headfirst slide into the first break of the semester, March is about as dull as a…
Our Opinion: Make USM a metropolitan university and succeed
At the Direction Package Advisory Board meeting last Friday, there was a lot of discussion around turning USM into a metropolitan university. Ideas were tossed around involving ties with local businesses, independent research projects in the community and the concept of using the city itself as a sort of lab. And, boy, are we excited….
Involvement Spotlight: Chann learns and leads at USM
Marpheen Chann is a popular name at USM lately. This fall he became the first ever student vice president at USM, and on top of that, he’s been hard at work on a number of other projects. Chann first came to USM in 2010 after a year at Valley Forge College in Pennsylvania. He is…
Local Album Review: A dose of whole-hearted rock’n’roll
Whale Oil’s self-titled release isn’t complicated, technically proficient or even polite. What it is, however, is rock’n’roll, pure and simple. Whale Oil is on the front lines of keeping the power trio tradition alive. Brian Saxton pounds his drumkit for all it’s worth and sings (well, screams) with an astoundingly high level of energy. Bill…
Arts & Culture Recommends: Delta Rae rocks the State Theatre
The harmonious choruses of Delta Rae and The Falls’ heartbreak ballads will echo through the halls of Port City Music Hall this Friday. Delta Rae is a folk-rock group out of Durham, N.C., who will headline Friday’s show, offering crisp harmonies compounded with a modern yet traditional sound. The ensemble includes Ian Hölljes, Eric Hölljes,…
National Album Review: Terrestrials is a dark and ambient musical collaboration
Sunn O (pronounced as just “Sunn”) and Ulver’s drone metal collaboration, Terrestrials, is pristine. There is a perfect combination of the two groups on this album, which was released on February 3. With this collaboration, the two bands have come far from where they first musically started yet strike a good balance with their roots….
Dark comedic musical written by Holocaust survior has english world premiere at USM
The USM Department of Theatre is debuting the English language world premiere of In the Underworld, a darkly comedic musical written by the French ethnologist Germaine Tillion who secretly wrote the three-act script while imprisoned at the Nazi all women’s concentration camp of Ravensbrück in northern Germany. The operetta was originally titled Le Verfügbar aux…
Direction Package Advisory Board focuses on the students
USM is still looking for ways to fill the $14 million budget deficit for the next fiscal year, and officials agreed, after a set of student survey results were released Friday, that students should always be the focus. The CORE subgroup of the Direction Package Advisory Board was tasked with finding short-term solutions, trying to…