On Sept. 22 police stopped a 19-year-old man, who was not a student, after a Philippi Hall staff member reported that he refused to stop or sign in, according to arrest records. Police discovered he was carrying alcohol and issued him a trespass notice. The man cannot return to campus property for the next year…
Author: USM
Bus photos
A day in the life of the Marginal Way shuttle bus
In with the news
Fans of WMPG’s Pacifica Network News (PNN) will be in for a change starting Oct. 1. After exploring options and considering listener feedback, the station will begin running Free Speech Radio News (FSRN) in Pacifica’s slot, weeknights at 7 p.m. The station recently hosted an “Ask the Managers” program that allowed listeners to voice opinions…
Bringing out the best
I haven’t been impressed by the way the University has handled many things. The morning of Sept. 11 I was shocked when I heard classes hadn’t been cancelled. By 11 a.m. I was on the phone with the chancellor to find out why. I spoke to our president and the provost. I couldn’t believe their…
Southworth Planetarium’s night sky guide
GIBBOUS TO FULL MOON The Moon will be full on Oct. 2. When full, the Moon rises around sunset and will remain in the sky all night. The Moon will be in the waxing gibbous phase on Monday and then will be in the waning gibbous phase from Wednesday until Oct. 10, when it will…
The administration shuffle is tiring the dancers
Recent vacancies in administrative positions and limited resources, including budgetary constraints, have led the Division of Student Development to reshuffle some positions. Responsibilities are being doubled, and others are being dumped in a glimpse of what may be in store for University of Southern Maine – which faces increasing operation costs. Forced by the need…
Chemical warfare: should we worry?
Some students are afraid of a biological attack. Are their concerns valid? What do the experts say? Here’s a look at the specifics.
UMS nervous about unstable market
The University of Maine System has over $65 million invested for its employees’ pension funds. What effect has the recent stock market crash had on that money. Should we be worried?
Attacks change face of education
Professors fought to be heard over the sound of students and faculty entering the room and event organizers adding extra chairs. Twenty minutes into the presentation they were forced to stop to allow the organizers to remove the room divider, push the panel’s table back and add additional chairs for the steady stream of people…
Get a VISTA of your possible future
The stale smell of cleaning agents lingered as he entered the common room. Men with shaved heads sat in a semi circle. They wore identical orange uniforms. They shuffled in their seats. They waited for him to begin the weekly Mass. Travis Doboszenski wanted to volunteer when he got out of college, but he also…
Police logs
Tuesday, Sept. 18t At 3 p.m., a professor reported receiving a written correspondence that he believed to be harassing. The case is under investigation and University of Southern Maine police officials were unable to make any comment at the time. Wednesday, Sept. 19 At 1:48 a.m. police arrested Nathan P. Thibodeau on a charge of…
Students paying another wee fee A lot of students didn’t notice the new line on their bills that reads “energy fee.” But some people are concerned about the extra $2 per credit hour – $24 per semester for a full-time student. Jonathan Layburn, director of USM Recycles, is trying to organize a new committee to…
Presidential visit
USM has a lot riding on the next election. President Richard Pattenaude and Vice President for Student Development Craig Hutchinson spoke to the Student Senate, reminding them about Question Six on the upcoming ballot. Question Six is a proposal for a $36 million grant for Maine higher education. $8 million would go to USM. Pattenaude…
The Others
Moviegoers are becoming more savvy when it comes to the “surprise” film. We’ve seen the likes of “The Sixth Sense,” “Memento” and “The Crying Game” enough to know there’s a shocking twist we’ll have to hide from friends who haven’t seen the movie, and we can see it coming a mile away. The obvious approach…
Walk like a three-legged dog
Readers are the picky eaters of the academic world. Some prefer a salty first person account, some have a sweet tooth for the romance novel, some want a juicy slab of mystery novel, and some prefer a light magazine salad. That said, Arthur Bradford’s debut story collection, “Dogwalker,” is pure Tabasco sauce: If you have…
Poetry slam puts competition back in prose
Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, but poets aren’t. With the advent of slam poetry, verse is leaping off the page and mixing it up in venues across the country. This Friday, Sept. 28, WMPG and the USM Portland Campus will bring slam poetry to the University in an event called Slamarama…
Life at ground zero
By Kristie Green Alive Editor The events of Sept. 11 left many people in Maine feeling helpless, unable do anything to alleviate the suffering of those directly affected. One USM student was so tormented by the belief that someone in New York City could use his help that he packed up his car and drove…
Fighting the Freshman 15
University Health Services The average college freshman gains 15 pounds in his or her first year of college. The freedom to eat whatever you want (and whenever you want), compounded with too much studying and not enough exercise, can become a curse rather than a blessing. So how can you ward off the averages and…
Meet Joe Student
What’s your name? Dana Fisher. How old are you? Thirty-one. What’s your major? Masters in business administration. How long have you been here? I’ve been living in Portland for two years. Where before here? North Carolina. I’ve been all over though. Where’d you get your undergraduate degree from? The University of Chicago. It was in…
Aries (March 21-April 20). Property agreements or old family documents may cause delays. Expect relatives or family friends to request detailed information or financial permissions. Many Aries natives will soon expand home security. Taurus (April 21-May 20). Complicated social promises from the past may require an extra effort. Watch for close friends or colleagues to…
Mexican munchies Burritos is a local favorite
Located in the heart of Portland’s Old Port, Granny’s Burritos is where locals go for their favorite Mexican munchies. “It isn’t your typical Mexican food,” said Melina Moser, a four-year veteran behind the counter at Granny’s. “It’s more like munchie food. I guess you could call it New Mexican cuisine,” she said. The menu at…
Monday Read the new Free Press. Tuesday Phone home. Wole Soyinka, winner of the 1986 Nobel Prize for Literature presents the opening lecture of the Gloria S. Duclos Convocation, “Diaspora: Meaning of Home.” Sullivan Gym, Portland, 7:30 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. Call 228-8367 for more information. Eat lunch. GLBTQA…
USM professor rewrites woodchuck history
While many people associate woodchucks with riddles and rhymes, Chris Maher has spent much of her time at the University of Southern Maine closely studying their behavior. The associate professor of biology is asking and answering questions about their social encounters and family life. Maher has done much of her recent research with the help…
Students earning credit through new program
Kevin Brown was a cook for 20 years. But the company he worked for had no growth potential. Now Brown is working as a supervisor at Barber Foods in Portland. “Barber Foods is a remarkable place with a lot of opportunities for advancement,” he said. This summer, Barber Foods announced a new program that will…